Why is there no deep narratives told by Porn Studios? All they are making is just dumb shit with sex...

Why is there no deep narratives told by Porn Studios? All they are making is just dumb shit with sex. Constant sex is now completely boring. Some Porno studio should try making a proper TV show with deep story, but include limited graphic sex scenes. One Graphic sex scene once or twice a season.

Imagine your favourite tv show, and now imagine two of the characters in Porn scene, it's far hotter than just some random nobodies fucking for 20 minutes.

Ultimately, a sex scene is far more enticing if you've built proper characters with personalities.

I think this is the next innovation not only in Pornography but potentially in Television and Film as well.

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Sounds good to me. Like the Tudors, but instead of 20 second cuts of bare ass and titty they actually show like 5-6 minutes of full on fucking

It's called HBO. Try it sometime.

But thats softcore no penetration weenie shit.

I sadly can't disagree.

People dont want more story in their porn, but people do want more porn in their stories. There's a difference OP.

I think you'll find very few actors and actresses who would be willing to have full-on graphic sex with their colleagues on camera.

On top of that, a porn director knows how to make arousing shots of people fucking, not how to put together an actual story with visuals.

Because pornstars cant act
>inb4 someone names 1 or 2 pornstars like Sasha Grey who have landed into acting


What is average budget of a season of typical scripted TV show? Minus advertising and broadcasting fees, of course.

Can the big Porn studios meet the budget requirements?

there are thousands of properly trained actors currently with no jobs, who would seriously resort to porn. Problem is that no one is looking for them.

make Caligula in to a series

No-names don't sell unless the product is extraordinary, which it won't be if it's made by a porn director with desperate, shitty actors.

Something gimmicky/controversial like a tv show with graphic penetration would need HUGE names to secure financial success.

digital playground did those 2 pirate movies, the acting was still atrocious though

I'm guessing that besides money they would need an actual director to get their shit together and try out some basic stuff like horror movies first

I don't think filming extended sex scenes in a Friday the 13th sequel would be difficult or expensive

>Something gimmicky/controversial like a tv show with graphic penetration would need HUGE names to secure financial success.

No, it just needs good setting and good writing.
I would watch a Scifi with good graphics, so would millions of scifi fans who are currently starved for content.

They should advertising model for monetising. Very few people would pay for subscription to porno site. I know I wouldn't want to have my financial records tied to porn in anyway.

There actually was a whole lot of story-based pornography from the 70s until the early 00s. It basically died, though, because the short, single-scene version you see these days brings in roughly the same amount of money while costing infinitely less to produce.

If you can stomach censoring, porn with plot is still very much a thing in the Japanese porn industry (both JAV and Hentai).

hentai plots are generally dogshit tho

What is Susan so smug about?

The only time I've cared about/wanted a "plot" was the Bane porno, if only to laugh like an autist at memes.

here is a plot based porn


Western movie porn was fairly trash too. It just didn't have so much autism.

In the end, there's not much you can do. There are only so many screenwriters with the talent to weave a satisfying plot while simultaneously being required to interrupt the narrative every 15 minutes to add some fucking, and those who are that skilled are not going to be working for pennies in the porn industry.

it doesn't take a genius to make a parody or an adaptation suitable for porn. The Dark Knight is basically an adaptation of The Long Halloween and a Donald Duck comic, the Departed was adapted from a Hong Kong movie and ep VII is a remake of ep IV that is a remake of Kurosawa.

It doesn't need to be proper kino to actually work.

Maybe you're just using the reaction image, but this is literally the opposite of what Jay has said about porno. During a commentary track (I don't remember which) he stated that he does not want plot in porno. He just wants to see fucking ASAP.

Thanks for the lesson here.

I'd like to see more plot in porn too, sometimes I'm just watching porn and laughing at the awkardness of situations.
Maybe you can exploit that. Imagine the new genre "comedy porn", where you don't miss the latest episode to share the jokes with your friends the following day !

Would have to have several episodes to develop characters and plot before the banging begins. The best plot porn has is cheating spouses. Or mother/son brother/sister shit that is becoming exponentially popular nowadays.

Full Penetration

I remember brazzers were adding some bits to the end of their scenes, like that scene with the "I'm the cook" seagal quote at the end

I don't think they're doing that anymore, I dunno why I'm sure it only took them a few more minutes of their time to fuck around a set to get the footage and less than an hour of work to edit it

why would you wanna see more plot in porno? what kind of autism do you have?

It's like the difference between fucking a prostitute and some random from the bar. Both are ultimately cheap thrills, yes, but the latter always feels a little more fulfilling because there's slightly more emotion/experience invested in it.

I've thought about that too, OP.
But honestly I just want to bust a nut as fast as I can. I don't really enjoy watching porn. It's just something I do twice a day out of habit.

I dunno about autism man, havent been tested.

As for plot, I'm thinking it from a community perspective: everyone knows the "I'm the cook" video , makes it more popular.
Looking back at what X-art did a few years ago stylizing porn and now everyone does it, think about the edge one would have getting something original in porn.

>bemoans the lack of porn narratives
>posts a picture of the man that is literally single-handedly saving incest pornkino
sasuga, Sup Forums

>Looking back at what X-art did a few years ago stylizing porn and now everyone does it
it was always a winning play desu, a good portion of why I would like to see plot in porn is that it would drive better production values into the sex scenes and finally get some decent cinematography in, not that bullshit closeup waste we mostly get today. X-art is well deserved to get the credit as the beginning to break that up. I would just hope they cast a few more girls

The biggest challenge I see is trying to retain eroticism for the full runtime.

Simply mixing hardcore fucking with 'not-porn' will result in garbage. There has to be a consistent tone.

Is this pornkino?