More Reverse Trap ! Girls pretending to be or looking like boys. Got these pictures on Sup Forums a ways back...

More Reverse Trap ! Girls pretending to be or looking like boys. Got these pictures on Sup Forums a ways back. I don't know if its the whole set, or any idea where to find more so post what you have and I'll dump until I run out of the set.





have nothing to contriboot but showing interest











I'm rather more curious for a trap that was a real woman that added a dick to herself instead of a guy changing his entire physique but keeping his junk that same

I like Tom boys or whatever, Lesbians, Dykes :P Dudely girls. And yet I don't care very much for girly dudes haha I think I got one more

Nope. I guess not, just this meme. I use code to rip entire threads when I save

never got a clear shot at the adams apple so its whoevers guess but if this is a dude I'm gay as fuck for her? him? I think the words you are looking for is post-op hermaphrodite I consder trap to be more crossdresser or genderplay

I had to guess what you were trying to say as "your English is bad and you should feel bad"

I just made one typo
>his junk that same
>his junk the same

that's all, what else did I fuck up?

I'm autistic in real life ;)really. Asperger's. I'm gramatical as fuck because my normal way is to interpret things really literally. I just didn't understand you. Take offense if you want.

There was also no punctuation or anything for me to fill in the gap of my misunderstanding through pauses or lists.

can anyone explain whats going on in here? serious

no offense taken, english is not my 1st language, but still, I don't really see how my sentence was wrong, and i don't care, no need to explain anything

>plot twist
>I got burgers in my ass too

please tell me you understood that and didn't take it too literally

just some girls pretending to have dick by putting a dildo in her pants


where do i pick up on sjw qts with the short dyed hair?

i dont in any way agree with their politics, but im into 'em putting a dildo in her pants?
don't ask me, I'm a basement dweller

Enjoy your stay in prison when you get accused of rape

there is alot of fucked up girls these days. alot of mental illness going around.


im not sure i understand


fuck.. i had hoped it wasnt what i thought. i think i know what you mean

wait what

What do you think we mean?
