So Sup Forums should i just an hero now?

so Sup Forums should i just an hero now?
>lost gf on new years eve
>lost my friends on christmas
>struggling with depression

i havent left my room in 2 days i guess i have no where else to go how do you get through this bullshit
pic related

shameless self bump

Yes you should kill yourself crybaby
Nice dubs btw stupid emo fag

>Hasn't left room in two days

I last went outside in august. Get on my level faggot

i've done that but i need cigarettes so i take a break every now and then and leave, had a rough one and spent few weeks in my house my family thought i had an illness because i went so pale

haha the answers always yes to an hero, thanks i did those numbers myself

Sure it's yes but film it when please emo

>i need cigarettes
Yes you should definitely end it

>>lost gf on new years eve
So what's the story there?

join the army