Weed/sex story

Weed/sex story

>be me last night
>male, straight (mostly)
>spending new year's at a friend's house with multiple people who I know
>4 of us including me go outside to smoke weed
>I am very close to 2 of the people smoking with me
>one male, one female
>passively smoking and enjoying the slight high feeling but it's not very strong
>second time smoking, first time not much happened
>think about how much the weed is affecting me
>move my arm a bit to see if it looks weird
>oh shit
>it hits me really fucking hard all at once
>fall back laughing, a strong feeling very similar to an orgasm goes through my whole body
>Jesus Christ this is the best thing I have ever felt
>orgasm feel lasts for like a minute and happens again when I stand up and walk around

I don't know if it's normal for that to happen or not but it is honestly the best thing I have ever felt

>later that night
>we're all a bit sleepy and cuddly
>male friend who I have known for quite a while lays down on me, resting their head on my bum
>we are VERY open about sexual things, both towards each other and in general
>he asks me how I feel
>"slightly aroused"
>he takes that as an invitation to take it a step further
>"accidentally" touches my penis through my shorts
>there are 2 other friends in the room (who did not smoke with us)
>asks me how I feel again
>can't remember what I said but it was not explicitly against what he had done
>he continues, slowly moves his hand under my body (I was lying face down)
>eventually reaches my penis
>lots of emotions going through my mind, scared, excited, aroused, "giggly"
>he rubs it slowly
>fuuuuuuuuck it feels good
>I whimper quietly while I get used to the feeling
>at one point he really starts to get into it and so do I
>I moan softly by accident
>friends hear and see exactly what was going on
>handjob friend gets embarrassed and hides under a pillow for 5 minutes
>I just sit there laughing
>eventually we fall asleep next to each other

How was your night bros?

Could not include these details before because character limit

I am a virgin
I masturbated to thoughts of what happened last night multiple times today
I very badly want to be tied up and be put into a situation where I can't resist stuff like that now (thread pic related)

so you are gay?

Well I'm more gay now than before I guess
Previously I only very rarely wanted to do things with males
Now it's been on my mind all gay and I want to do it again or maybe even take it a step further (probably not with the same person)

I would consider what happened last night entirely platonic and I imagine they do too

Op is a faggot

all day*

>am a virgin
>I masturbated to thoughts

>smoke with dude friend again
Good luck.

LOL was this at Josh's



We've fairly well established that..


i'm not referring to his sexual orientation

just that hes a faggot
you can still be a man and be homo dude, quit being a faggot

That isn't platonic, that's "haha wouldn't it be funny?"-tier stuff. He'll refuse sober but just wait til you get high again and he'll want more. Make him suck you off next time so you don't make a mess you're too high to notice.

You saw that in a screencap and stole it. OP is a fag but he hasn't been a faggot yet - you just really wanted to say what you learned in some YLYL thread or something.
So go ahead and get out of here you faggot, there's plenty of faggot OPs out there right now.


nope you are wrong
but yeah im a bit harsh
the whole scene was a faggotry

ok but srsly has anyone else here ever experienced anything like I did while taking weed? Is it common? I did not find any mention of it online

> ok but srsly has anyone else here
> ever experienced anything like
> I did while taking weed? Is it
> common? I did not find any mention
> of it onlinenormal as a Tuesday night

Boy, there is no such thing as:
>"male, straight (mostly)"

It's 2017. Time for you to accept that you are a fucking faggot.



Have you ever smoked weed before this OP? It sounds like you experienced your first high, that's all

How is this post so opposite of reality, it's 2017 where EVERYONE is (mostly) straight. Being gay is the new cool thing. Get off the internet grandpa

Like I said, I have smoked it once before but I didn't really get that high, just felt slightly light headed and a tiny bit euphoric

I like you

They often say you don't get high your first time because you don't know how to properly inhale/hold it in. This was your first real high, enjoy it. I really recommend being careful with your cannabis use, it is easy to get addicted to that psychological feeling, no physical addiction but it can still be a bitch.

>went to a party
>got drunk after a shit ton of vodka and whiskey
>friend of mine vommited on a strangers lawn
>went home at like 5 am

I am trying my best to not get addicted, especially since I feel I'm quite prone to getting addicted to things, and it's kind of hard not to want to feel the best thing I've ever felt again

sounds like you're already in for a rough ride. That is exactly how I felt the first time I tried weed when I was 17. Since then I have gone through periods of smoking all day everyday that lasted YEARS of my life. Be careful user.

Well shit, I'll really go easy on it then, currently my only way of getting it is to go to my friend's house which restricts how often I can do it and means I can only do it socially so at least I've got that going for me I guess.. Getting addicted would be awful

That orgasmic feeling is fucking intense if you synch it up with a real orgasm.

You will never want to go back to anything ever again.

I advice you to ask your gay friend over for a smoke session and just have sex.

yea same

Take an advice from a stranger on this one. i have smoked every day for the last 2 years. still being able to hold a job and whatnot, but the ammount of money spent on this shit, the apathy and all the other bieffects of long term using is not worth it. just do it once in a while, chill and have fun.