Oh shit, it's a sni

Oh shit, it's a sni

Don't be ridiculous, he couldn't hit an elephant from that ra

Caught the tail end of a movie called Hyena Road or something like that. Shit was pretty intense.

The husband/boyfriend dies, BTW.

There's no such thing as sniper, your parents just put the bullets under the tr

Snipers aren't rea

It's fine, I'll take him out with a grena

>oh shit it's a sni
thches get stitches
I'll kill ye


I see him, up in the tree. I've got him in my sigh

can a sniper beat candleja


OK, I think we got him, it's safe to get u

Ok people ill just sneak around and st

no, i think thats just a deer or somethi

These threads are so shi

Check e

shittest meme

Calling up my friend candlejack, he'll fuck the faggo

Son, there are sheep and there are wo


Oh jeez, one of these threads aga
