Oh shit, it's a sni
Oh shit, it's a sni
Andrew Sullivan
Juan Peterson
Don't be ridiculous, he couldn't hit an elephant from that ra
Grayson Lewis
Caught the tail end of a movie called Hyena Road or something like that. Shit was pretty intense.
The husband/boyfriend dies, BTW.
Colton Bell
There's no such thing as sniper, your parents just put the bullets under the tr
Zachary Roberts
Snipers aren't rea
Caleb Anderson
It's fine, I'll take him out with a grena
Wyatt White
>oh shit it's a sni
thches get stitches
I'll kill ye
Easton Taylor
Ryder Johnson
I see him, up in the tree. I've got him in my sigh
Christian Smith
can a sniper beat candleja