This is a college class in Brazil

this is a college class in Brazil

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Why are the windows covered?

Why do they sit on the ground like animals?

Why does no one wear socks?

>wearing socks at 32°C weather

are you kidding me

>that girl in yellow looking at the camera doing a JoJo reference

It's a humanities course.

my class is better

Why so crowded

Quick Sup Forums claim your hue waifu
This is mine

and this is a brazilian attentionwhore

>How to Grow Bananas 101


It must smell awful.

>meanwhile in America
Why do they wear bulletproof mats?

Why do they drop to the ground dead?

Why do they bring guns to school?

Why are there no black students present?

girl in yellow

full of arabs

>white/cyan stripped pattern with a yellow sun in the shirt

the average brazilian "top" international student here is pretty fucking retarded. i've not met one who hasn't failed or near bottomed his class.

i can believe your country isn't smart definitely and have 15-20 IQ points lower than the west.

They got distracted with so much gook pussy desu

>OP shows how terrible the learning conditions are in Brazil
You're most likely 15-20 IQ points lower than the Canadian average tbqh.

i can't stand flip flops
and people with no shoes
it's so fucking disgusting and gross, really marks you as a bottom-tier human, those people should be gassed

Lol, I remember them from 2014. They've been stuck in the same class for 3 years now

2013 actually

t. Closet footfag

The average brazilian "top" international student are rich, not necessarily smart. And rich people in Brazil usually dont give a fuck about study, because their parents can give whatever they want. And they dont go to Canada to study, they go there to fuck canadian pussies.

No it's actually a criminology course for a Forensics/law degree. They stream liveleak videos and try to come up with legal deterrents for those animals

Take a new picture to see the progress

nope just a decent normal human being
if you wear flip flops i am not even deigning talking to you, i can feel the human misery and the 3rd worldness from here

if you wear flip flops i bet on summer you also go to the "campings" where they play european techno and they eat some sort of tuna mayo salads and drink oasis

you make me puke

i wear flip flops every time i leave my house

Wow, it's so beautiful :') I'm so happy this is Europe's future.

i just said i am not even deigning talking to you, so you are definitely not getting any (you)s, flip-flop subhuman

>this much autism

delete this
don't insult me like that

UGH! How dare you you heartless man!

*flings flip-flop at screen in petulant disgust and folds arms*

And who would want to talk with a autistic french in the real life? I wouldnt want to talk even with a normal french.


Huh? Only men like middle-aged men.
Are they really young people??

>this is how a social studies class looks like
And now a engineering class related



>middle aged
that's funny

no.They must be over 25 years old

what engineering

t. monkeynigger who'll never be respected, neither on Sup Forums nor in real life

>having to settle for middle aged men
lol, BOY are they GAY


Are you retarded


Not enough chairs for everyone


The sun is too annoying

>not enough chairs for everyone
>free chair right between the two sitting on the ground

They can not be seen in their twenties or thirties. Their age seems to be in their 40s.

Perhaps, it seems Japanese appearance is too young.

learn to communicate properly, nigger

That's what I was thinking too.

>those brown brazilian girlfeet

You didn't answer my question, faggot

blue bag girl is qt as fuck, sitting up front too, eager to learn

Newsflash no BR is ever gonna go to your country to actually study. They're there to fuck your women, travel and reap the automatic rewards when he comes back. "Oh you studied in Canada?? You know English?? H I R E D" Student exchange programs are just a meaningless vehicle for that.

Whatever you're asking for was implicit in his question, dumb nigger.

Some of those guys look retarded

>learning conditions

It's really just learning how to pass idiotic exams tbqh.

wealthy brazilians are pretty horrible people.
from behaving like shit because nothing will ever have bad consequences for them, to slavery tier classist stuff like losing their virginity with their maids.

I agree, Im absolutely retard. But I wouldnt stoop myself to talk with a french.

They're just leftists

College can't afford AC?

You want to sweat into shoes? That ruins them.

Is this homo? Serious question

>being that close to those perfect feet

niggertina everybody

Only someone without anything else to do would be able to focus on such useless details. So no

There's an AC in the pic.

I said serious you arab

I was looking at the girl i swear

The first time I saw a japanese porn (non hentai) I thought was cp.

Bet she just wants to put the teacher in a difficult position with those thighs

They guy on the left (in the front) is really hot. I'd love to teach him some lessons.

i lost my virginity with a maid because she loved me not because of "slavery"

KEK, can't wait till the favelados drag them from their gated communities and luxury apartments and torture them in the streets

They are not rich are midle class and they are really stupids

i fucking hate argentina so much

las malvinas son inglesas

nuke buenos aires

fucking faggots

I'm sorry for Brazilians, but women in the picture are not very beautiful.
I hope that this university is the only one that does not have beauty.

good thread very informative

>to slavery tier classist stuff like losing their virginity with their maids.

T-That was literally my fetish...

holy shit Brazil is normie central

what happens if youre an autist?

a single picture show all women of brazil

>this brown horde with a couple of whites and a couple of nigs is what liberals want for Canada's future

Almost as bad as some of ours

You waste all your life time in Sup Forums

You are an actual nigger.

Not trying to engage in damage control but that class is definitely overcrowded and far from average outside of shitty humanity majors (like philosophy or social studies which are full of commies). Better majors have whiter and more educated people.

I wish I lived in a culture where lots of people get together and act like humans

you either try to be normal(but you will fail and everyone will laugh at your back) or you just spend the rest of your days on the internet

>what's medical school

The more prestigious the vocation, the more prestigious the bitches.

There's lots of autists here, I know because I am one. It helps if you're not a favelado.


How much do you guys pay for public uni in Latin America?
Over here its about US$1200 for 4 years course including hostel.

What the fuck is her problem?

the best ones are free

>and have 15-20 IQ points lower than the west
The "west" isn't one country, dingus.

We pay taxes for shit schools with professors that can fuck up an unlimited number of times and not be fired and who will ostracize you from the country should you dare to use ANY scientific research to make ANY amount of money

Public universities are free in Brazil. But you need to do a entrance exam.

Do you use national exam, matriculation results or entrance exams?

mainly national exam(ENEM)

National exam called ENEM. Like a trillion multiple choice questions and one essay.

t. parisian

national exam. It even serves to get private colleges in other countries such as portugual and maybe argentina

How did you guys learn english, is it a mandatory subject in school and uni?

Why is nobody having sex?

stop for the lunch

just school.But the exam have English questions