What the fuck you don't know what is this and why it's cost million $ in your cunt

What the fuck you don't know what is this and why it's cost million $ in your cunt.

My fucking mother thought kasha was some goddamn miracle food when I was growing up

Every goddamn motherfucking night, kasha and boiled spinach and unseasoned fish

Every goddamn night

I put butter on the kasha, I put salt on the kasha, I put hot sauce on the kasha, NOTHING MADE IT TASTE GOOD

Fuck you Russia and your fucking meme crop


>healthier than potatoes


potatoes are simple carbs, grechka complex
more vitamins and minerals
good source of protein

kasza is for peasants who can't afford brown rice

it's pretty good for but it's expensive as hell

>tfw white rice takes more processing
>somehow cheaper than brown rice

volume nigga

i though poles were also into grechka.
we call kasza everything, it could be oats, grechka, pshenka, even rice kasza (with milk)

kasza is for easterners

czechs here also eat kaša. it is pretty healthy. what the poles eat, then except rice and taters? you need to have variety

nothing we're poor

Why the fuck do you eat livestock food?

pasta or bread as well

It's literally brown couscous

>what the poles eat, then except rice and taters?

Why do you call bauckwheta "kasha"? "Kasha" means porridge. Any porridge not just buckwheat.

ah yes strawberry spaghetti

sarracen wheat, it's ok but potates are better when eaten with beef


bread and makarons are basically the cheapest food, russians could afford, without getting starved to death.

Wait, you don't eat sweetened macaroni in USA? Like with cocoa powder, fruits or just plain sugar?

Only Jews

Out of all the countries I though it would be USA to eat sweetened pasta. You people add sugar to everything.

I eat it maybe couple times a month. With smoked bacon and onion and/or paprika. It's pretty good with just some sour cream too. Very healthy food.

*kindergarden nostalgia intesifies*

When I was in Turkey it was available and my Russian mom made it. It's okay desu, closer to neutral then being particularity bad or good so I just ate it lel. Don't forget butter.~