Rule34 thread v3

Rule34 thread v3

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Thats a loli not rule 34 get it out of here

I'm pretty sure that's minecraft, you nigger. And loli is allowed on Sup Forums.

>no exceptions.


Im pretty sure thats bubbles and its not allowed in rule 34 threads


well... can't argue with that logic
delete this thread boys

This newfag has been going through R34 threads and calling loli images. Seems he doesn't understand that this is Sup Forums, not Reddi t.

Loli is not fucking pedo its a fucking pictures,pictures =art

Just picked this one up









People have been arrested for having such "art"

he's not wrong, loli is considered criminal offenses in some parts of the world.


>Doesn't think people get in trouble for drawing murderous images of people they know.

Do you live under a rock?


Not in the US where this website is located.


Not true, a man in my state was arrested for having images. His GF found his shit and went to prison for it.




Drawn is protected under freedom of speech. Those are one off cases.



I was thinking to keep this for a cringe thread but this is pretty fitting too.


get out bart

im piss


Who is the guy with the white hat suppose to be?

More? Sauce?



I always wanted to read a well made porn comic of lisa.





Tell that to the numerous people who have been fined and jailed for possessing it.

I'm not here to debate legal shit, I'm just telling you that shit does happen.

Anyone have some Jenny(XJ9)?


The count in the US is very low. You have to TRY to get prosecuted for loli.

Its Rocky Rococo, a pizza and pasta place


Are you retarded? Don't go to Sup Forums. There are other porn boards.


The who got arrested in my didnt try to get prosecuted.And it's a low count because...well, not a lot of people snoop around other people's porn files.



This is a picture of Joaquin Sorolla, called "El niƱo de la barquita", from 1904.

He was one of the main exponents of the impressionism in Spain, and their pictures often depicted naked kids in the beach.

This picture is well preserved in a museum.

Will they arrest the owner too for having a picture of a naked kid?

Ffs, the mods here don't close loli threads or submit IPs to the FBI and there was even a loli subreddit until the PC admins tookover. My point is, you have to be completely irresponsible to get prosecuted for having loli.


There are some okay ones with teen Lisa. Almost all of the ones with kid Lisa are Bart-Get-Out-I'm-Piss quality.

>in the beach

seriously user...



I have no idea why you're attempting to argue with me. I'm just trying to spread awareness.


newfags cant triforce







You have already downloaded that image. You are guilty.

Anonimous can protect you, but you have to prove that you are on of us.

its you again...

mods!!! its a yordel from league of legends, i only allow dota charachters








>thinks that image depicts people the poster knows

How can you be this retarded

Password protect your porn file

Problem solved


No where in my comment did I state that it depicts people the poster knows. You are putting words in my mouth.Before bitching about something, next time actually fucking read.

This supports the fact that Loli is legal, at least in non-shit countries

Or just not have illegal content that can put you in prison at all?


I've been telling people to encrypt their porn for years, but only once did anyone here ever show any interest in doing it. The prefer putting it 12 directories deep and pretending like that does anything.

Either lock it with a password or put it on your desktop in a folder named PORN.

You apparently don't know how to read, or you were skimming through it too quickly to read the fine print.

"Currently, such depictions are in a legal grey area due to parts of the PROTECT Act being ruled unconstitutional on a federal level; however, laws regulating lolicon and shotacon differs between states; several states have laws that explicitly prohibit cartoon pornography and similar depictions (such as video games in the state of New Jersey), while others usually have only vague laws on such content; in some states, such as California, such depictions specifically do not fall under state child pornography laws,[64] while the state of Utah explicitly bans it.[65]"


What the hell kind of fucked up shit do you have that requires something so drastic as encryption?

There are still States where it's illegal to sell a dildo. Sellers have to change their packaging to call them Personal Massagers. The US is weird about their sex laws.



I never knew that. Interesting.


Keep lying to yourself