Why most nerdy white guys date Asian woman?
Not being racist but it's just something I see to often. Every-time I see a nerdy looking whit guy he is usually dating an Asian woman. I wouldn't say it if I saw them with different type of woman but it's always Asians.
Why most nerdy white guys date Asian woman?
Kayden Gray
Aaron Cox
I'm also interested in this. I consider myself a nerd and I could kill for a qt korean gf.
Luke Ortiz
Idk. I'm Mexican and dating a Chinese girl
Oliver Bailey
Asian are easy going.
Jose Kelly
Jose Miller
Sauce on girl?
Alexander Parker
Maybe because of them assuming that asian girls will value intelligence more.
Maybe because of them assuming that a majority of asian men are ultra betas, so they may have a chance.
Maybe because of anime.
Nolan Howard
I guess it's more common that way, but plenty of non-nerdy white guys date Asian chicks too.
Liam Hughes
Coincidence. Ever think about the fact that more than 1b Asian chicks in the world are dating other Asians
James Adams
>Maybe because of anime.