Why most nerdy white guys date Asian woman?

Why most nerdy white guys date Asian woman?
Not being racist but it's just something I see to often. Every-time I see a nerdy looking whit guy he is usually dating an Asian woman. I wouldn't say it if I saw them with different type of woman but it's always Asians.

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I'm also interested in this. I consider myself a nerd and I could kill for a qt korean gf.

Idk. I'm Mexican and dating a Chinese girl

Asian are easy going.


Sauce on girl?

Maybe because of them assuming that asian girls will value intelligence more.

Maybe because of them assuming that a majority of asian men are ultra betas, so they may have a chance.

Maybe because of anime.

I guess it's more common that way, but plenty of non-nerdy white guys date Asian chicks too.

Coincidence. Ever think about the fact that more than 1b Asian chicks in the world are dating other Asians

>Maybe because of anime.