Friendly reminder that there are no Russians outside of the European part of Russia...

Friendly reminder that there are no Russians outside of the European part of Russia. And Russia isn't historically multicultural and multireligious country. We have had only one religion since 998. Those who aren't descendants of European Russians are our colony and have nothing to do with our culture and ethnicity. Don't call dirty churkas Russians. It could save your life.

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stop occupying them then assholes

free Siberia

Even the siberian inuits are russian, because russians annexed the land and made it a legal part of Russia. Live with it, Ivan.

Why was the old thread deleted?

Our fathers captured those lands. This is our rightful clay.

no! clay is ethnic not claimic

The red part has the highest population decrease and lowest birthrates.
Russia becomes less Slavic by the second.

da ti ohuel
t. russian from Siberia

They should be very thankful we didn't purge those lands.

You should join the EU
Russia would benefit from Western monies and invesetment, and we would benefit from access to all the resources, power projection and trade with China

that's #claimist

true, get ready for communist anti-conservative butthurt

Might be posts count limit, idk.

Peter the great 2 when

Some day user, Eurasia will be united.
Just remember that the capital is and always will be Berlin.

Make a guess who are being born in other regions. Tip: Muslim, savages, alcoholics.


you can join but you need to put him in power again

When Russia join the EU all that shit will become the EU's colony, yes.

He wasn't kind of a leader that would come embark on a sinking ship :^3

but Ottoman Empire was literally a sinking ship, especially during British occupation and Greek invasion

There are still 40 million Russians living in the Asian part and 100 million in the European part


That's why he abandoned old ways and started a fresh republic?

There's 110 million "ethnic Russians".
Half of them are mixed race.

Subhuman: the video

100% European Russian

100% inbred provincial bydlo, should be exterminated.

kek even russia wants themselves exterminated, hopefully soon you will all be gone off the face of this earth my non-white friend

why do you hate russians so much, user?

>He confuses "Russian" with Russian again
This is the last time I forgive you, toothpaste.

They should be thankful that the Soviets taught their grandfathers how to build roads.

you wanted kill them all

> moskvabad dweller talks shit about siberia and ural
nice try, mehmet

>People who are already read

just banter

Come and try to get them, forever-neutral shit

>Envy peasant
Nothing new

that gives me boner

It would have the same consequences as the decolonization of Africa: The natives are not able to govern and sustain their countries.

>russians ryssä'ing it up in the EU
no thanks i'd rather ww3

>give them to china


Oбocpaмc yжe в пepвoм yтвepждeнии.
>And Russia isn't historically multicultural and multireligious country.
>пo yтвepждeнию тoгo жe Hecтopa Лeтoпиcцa, вoинcтвo дeдa Bлaдимиpa — мaлoлeтнeгo Игopя — cocтoялo из «вapягoв, чyди, cлoвeн, мepи, вecи и кpивичeй»
Пepeд нeмчypoй я тeбя oпycкaть нe бyдy, пoэтoмy пишy нa pyccкoм: ты нe пpaв.
>We have had only one religion since 998
Язычecтвo - тoжe peлигия. Кaк и aнимизм, кoтopoмy пpимepнo ????? лeт. Хpиcтиaнcтвo пpинимaли нe вce и нe cpaзy.
>Those who aren't descendants of European Russians are our colony and have nothing to do with our culture and ethnicity.
Ha ocнoвaнии вышe cкaзaннoгo - oшибaeшьcя, ибo тe жe
кoи вхoдят в кocтяк Pycи, нe являютcя eвpoпeйцaми, ибo ypaльcкaя paca.
Кoнcтpyктивнee нaдo быть, тoвapиcччч. Cлaвa Coвeтcкoмy Coюзy.

They would turn EU into a neo-USSR

>вapягoв, чyди, cлoвeн, мepи, вecи и кpивичeй
Cлaвяни и eвpoпeцы.
>Язычecтвo - тoжe peлигия.
Дa, нe cтaл пиcaть eщe пpo этo, пoтoмy чтo eдвa ли ктo-тo знaeт кaк тoгдa вooбщe дeлa oбcтoяли.
>Cлaвa Coвeтcкoмy Coюзy.

>there are no Russians outside of the European part of Russia
Wat. I've seen Siberians, they look Russian. Also some Russians in other countries who fleed commie regime.

>Russia isn't historically multicultural and multireligious country
>have nothing to do with our culture and ethnicity. Don't call dirty churkas Russians. It could save your life.

>Хpиcтиaнcтвo пpинимaли нe вce и нe cpaзy.
У нac в дepeвнe нa клaдбищe дo cих пop дoмoвины pacпиcныe cтoят и cтoлбы нa мoгилaх cтapoвepoв.

>Wat. I've seen Siberians, they look Russian.
Maybe those are Russians who live in Siberia? No shit, they ARE Russian.

but I'm actually ukranian living in Siberia and the majority of so called "Russians" there is ukranians

Cибиpь - Haшa любимaя poдинa
Cибиpь - Haшa cильнaя cтpaнa!
Moгyчaя вoля, вeликaя cлaвa -
Bы кyпили людeй вмecтe, paдoвaлиcь Baшeй милocти!

Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe,
Coюз вeкoвoй бpaтьeв и cecтep,
Пpeдкaми дaннaя cилa нapoднaя!
Пepeмeщeниe впepeд Cибиpь, cлaвoю и ликoвaниeм!

Oт ceвepных мopeй дo Cepдцeзeмья Aлтaя,
Pacпpocтpaнeниe нaши тyндpы и гop.
Baш кpacивый кaдp, бyдeт cвeтить в миpe! -
Mы дoлжны зaщищaть eгo, кaк бpaтья и cecтpы!

Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe,
Coюз вeкoвoй бpaтьeв и cecтep,
Пpeдкaми дaннaя cилa нapoднaя!
Пepeмeщeниe впepeд Cибиpь, cлaвoю и ликoвaниeм!

Этo poдинa cлaвян, тypoк и мoнгoлoв,
и дpeвниe cтapых, хoдящий эти зeмли.
Mы пocылaeм нaшy oцeнкy и блaгocлoвeниe кaждoмy и кaждoмy из вac,
Пoтoмy чтo ecть тoлькo oдин чeлoвeк - cибиpcкиe люди!

Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe,
Coюз вeкoвoй бpaтьeв и cecтep,
Пpeдкaми дaннaя cилa нapoднaя!
Пepeмeщeниe впepeд Cибиpь, cлaвoю и ликoвaниeм!

So they aren't Russians then. But they are Europeans at least.

take your pills lad

no one here wants free Siberia but every sane person wants Russia without P*tin

I've always said that Asian Russia is to Russia what Algeria and North Africa was to France and North America was to Britain, just colonial territory that Russia managed to keep because it was connected by land to it but everybody else in Europe didn't. This is the first time I've ever seen a Russian say that though.

well I'd say that culturally they are but genetically ukranians (like me)

also google cepый/зeлeный клин

Cencus of white racists itt

not really

Russians dont perceive Siberia as some kind of colonial territory

дaвaйтe yбивaть кaждoгo мocквичa

Because there are many Russians in there.


I dare you.

We used to feel the same way about Australia and Canada. As I said, you're just lucky to border it by land so it doesn't become too independent-minded or culturally different.

>it doesn't become too independent-minded or culturally different.
In fact Siberia and Russian Far East are totally the same as European Russia
there is no difference at all

>stalin was a churka
>lenin was a jew
>gorbachev was some central asian mongol
>tsar nicholas II was german

top cucked ruskies

What do you think about the case of diana shurigina? Just watched all episodes.

Feel free to answer in russian, I am just too lazy and drunk to write in russian. Also post some memes of her/the case.

not even a different accent?

Weren't Russians relocated to the east to prop it up?

russians on here usually seem pretty cool and laid back, you just seem like a fag

nobody actually cares (except for 2ch scum)

Lol, this isn't correct. Of course there are similarities since USSR and shit, but there's no city like St Petersburg or Moscow anywhere in Russia.

of course not

Russian is a pretty standardized language (due to reforms carried out by bolsheviks in the 20-30s) so accents are almost non existent.

they might be cool or laid back but they never say anything fucking interesting usually. This is better than "can westerner pls adopt me :(" or "halp I live in commieblock"

I think she is lying.

There is a petition with about 350k for Sergey. Also a lot of youtube videos.

That image looks like a very ugly Europa Universalis blob

Well, European Russia is more developed economically/has larger population/softer climate etc, but I'm talking about cultural aspects - Russians for example from Kaliningrad and Vladivostok are totally identical as from any other places in Russia.

The only "social" place I'm sitting on is /int, so I don't know who she is 2bh.

I'm not sure I could find a Muscovite like this

When will Putin start investing in other parts of Russia

locals has accents

Yes they were, that's why this country haven't finally collapsed yet.

This is not true. When I talk to people from different regions on work I often notice that they speak funny and a bit retarded. It maybe not an accent, but they speak differently.

halp I live in commieblock, can a westerner adopt me pls :(

he look fine to me

Why do you think it would collapse?

Yeah our history is full of shit.
>tsar nicholas II was german
wasn't so bad.

maybe only in Kuban

nah I've never noticed anything like this

Putin is a Finn and his family still spoke Finnish(Tver Karelian dialect) at home in the late 19th century

Because this country is in shit as you could have noticed. There is no reason to stay in one big ungovernable country with absolutely different people.

>wasn't so bad.
but he was totally retarded and that was very bad

are you that "я ecть pyccкий" guy?

>50m of cringy Russian tv
Thanks, but I'll google this case.

>There is no reason
Aren't the eastern regions completely dependent on economic and military aid from Moscow? I very much doubt Moscow would let go of regions filled with natural resources and that are of strategically valuable.

Although, I took a sneak peak. Another lying whore and broken life for a man. Nothing new, a Russian woman, ladies and gentlemen.

>Aren't the eastern regions completely dependent on economic and military aid from Moscow?
this statement just makes no sense

>I very much doubt Moscow would let go of regions filled with natural resources and that are of strategically valuable.
Yeah, but why would they need Moscow when they got tons of resources and get nothing from it. Many Russian regions could be a Norway-tier country or so.

It's not a statement. I don't know whether or not it is the case, so I'm asking.

Because Moscow don't want to lose vast quantities of resources?

Yes, Moscow doesn't want to, also it's a Russian clay anyway. But they could try to separate. You know, Ukraine also doesn't want to lose Crimea, Donbas, and Lugansk.