Is she the Dark Knight Return's Robin?

Is she the Dark Knight Return's Robin?

If they had a female Robin, i'd be okay with it.

why is he uhh
have is hand there.........

Benazir abd ul-RaHman bin Afflecki is proposing to his child bride, you shitlord.

If you'd actually read it you wouldn't be asking that.


No. She's the Batman Begins Joffrey.


Bruce, it's me!


too young, fucking degenerate.

hope we'll have a qt 12 yo female robin in the sequels :3

why is he touching her boob?

What boob?


Muhammad Ibn Al Fleqi only follows the Quran's teaching.





bruce wayne is smart, billionaire, red pilled, heterosexual and single.

at this point it's almost canon that he's a pedo, if you think about it.


sauce to this vid

>Is she the Dark Knight Return's Robin?
No she is my waifu

This. He likes orphans.

Since it's already been done. Who would give a fuck?

>...A tiny hand tightens its grip on my arm...
>... A girl of thirteen breathes in sharply, suddenly, her innocence lost...
those lines are just awesome if taken out of context, aren't they?

>Defend Islam

Is obviously Ben Afleck is a pedo.


if the girl Robin was sexually molested by Bruce as a kid then sure

what is the context of this gif kek

Probably. She looks him in the eye and just know... he is the bat


>the way her flat chest ends in a smooth curve towards her belly
Why are little girls so sexy?



3/10, too much. try again later.


>pleb can't apreciate true beauty

Wait............ What?

