What yall niggas gone do?

What yall niggas gone do?

go for the eyes.

i am not an 18 year old girl.

Why would I leave my money there? This guy's not even after me.

Will he chase me or wait at the top of the stairs?
Either way i'm risking it

He's a big guy.

Call the cops

I don't have an upstairs. Check mate.

It's true, cops carry assault rifles now.

>virgins dying in a slasher

yea, I'm safe.

how do you explain the 700m to them?

I had to read that image like six times to understand what it was trying to say. Fucking black people

Drop a turd in my hand and hold it up ready to throw at him. If he lets me pass, no doodoo in his face. If he chases me, he gets doodoo in his face. Simple as that. I'm sure he's a smart man, he'll let me pass unhindered.

I'd rather die rich than live poor.

Where is your period after the sentence dumbass white boy?

Would have to leave poor. I might get past him the first time but I wouldn't risk having to get past him again to go downstairs. Also if he followed me while I am upstairs I am fucked

Dude, he wears a mask so the doodoo doesn't do anything.

Joke's on you nigga, I keep my shotgun loaded with 00 buckshots under the stairs

Grab it later.

>Are the 700m in dollar bills?
>Say I get upstairs, how the fuck am I going to leave with even 1% of that 700m without it severely handicapping my ability to escape?
>If I leave town, will he still be chasing after me?

It honestly doesn't make any fucking sense if you try to think of it sensibly. It should be something like upstairs there's 10k, a fake ID/passport and plane ticket.

Why would I need to? They'd never see or know about it.




I would teleport behind him and snap his neck. Nothing personal, of course.

I casually outpace him with a jog around the block, run back inside and get out before he can catch up.


Good thing I am damn good at pencak silat so I would probably kick his ass in a fight

He can teleport though.

shit just casually left my 700 million upstairs oops

What the fuck is that sentence?

micheal has never ported. Jason is debatable since we never actually seem him poof

>dex can beat str: the thread

every time

500 Million dollars, or the thing from It Follows forever chases you till you die, sex doesnt transfer it.

How strong is Michael even? The biggest feat of strength he's done in the movies is lift a guy to his eye level with one hand IIRC.

A kick in the groin and a couple on the kneecaps and he should go down. Then get the money and run before he recuperates.

Would if kill them to put a $ in front of 700,000,000?

I'm assuming it's my house, can I just stay at a holiday inn for a night than get it in the morning?