So I got a new number after I moved to Canada and decided to start texting my ex and pretending to be someone who knew...

So I got a new number after I moved to Canada and decided to start texting my ex and pretending to be someone who knew her but didn't specify who. Asking her questions about me and our relation ship atm. Good idea or no?

Obvious as fuck, some random guy with no name starts texting and asking about someone specific?

She's onto you faggot, and she's already told all her friends that you're a massive autistic loser who's pretending to be somebody else

Holy fuck you're a fag. Move back our of my country you underaged beta


i found out alot of things about my ex doing this, i was able to get nudes within a week

So..... where the fuck are they. Post

what a boring conversation

post nudes

Hope OP gets run over by a plane

This is now a roll/dubs requests thread.

Ask for nudes. Roll.

I'm with Koodo too. Their plans are pretty cheap compared to most other phone companies. I just upgraded to an LG G5 for $0 last month.

Gimme nudes of your gf faggot
Dubs get

You're an idiot

Suck it, nerd.

Rolling again nigger

This has potential, you should end the conversation with "Hey this is kind of crazy but I've always wanted to send a girl a dick pick just for no reason so don't take this personally." Then send a picture of your dick and wait too see if she recognizes that it's yours.., you've got nothing to lose anyways

this is really stupid idea. u r really stupid person

no u

So fucking stupid.

>one off from quads
Should I just kill myself now, Sup Forums?

>calls somebody a stupid person
>doesnt know people who use "u" and "r" are autismos