Let us have a discussion Sup Forums was Hitler a good guy? Or he was a monster that most think? If Hitler was a monster...

Let us have a discussion Sup Forums was Hitler a good guy? Or he was a monster that most think? If Hitler was a monster, what made him do it(genetics or other reasons). Discuss!
>inb4 go to Sup Forums
We all know who they support

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His morals were fucked (the Jew killing thing), but he good for his people in Germany, and helped scientific discovery for decades. Overall, Is say he was good
Inb4 Holocausts were fake

He was the worst thing for people in germany. Yea, some scientific breakthroughs happened under his mustache but anything else is infinite fuckup.

He enhanced industry in Germany and brought them out of the unfair treaties of WW1

I consider Adolf to be mutual in my standards but I often consider him to be a great man. I do not support him in anyway but I would have like to meet him and talk to him about his personal opinion about the world.



What do you think made him what he was user?




He foresaw current world events and tried to prevent them

He was the hero we didn't know we needed

Good ideas

Bad execution






Hitler wasn't good or bad.

From a White Man's perspective in 2017, with society making ME feel guilty for being WHITE, he'd be a savior for the White Race.

Obviously from an untermensch's point of view, he's a genocidal monster.




Holy shit

I consider him both a curse and a blessing.

His ideas were good, the only exception was his attack on the Soviet Union, but his racial policies were beneficial to the White Race. There are two sides to every war. As a White individual, I consider him someone who could've saved the White Race. But if I wasn't, I guess I would consider him a monster.

Use Google translate

honestamente se le considera malo por la propaganda americana en esos tiempos que por obvias razones los judios tuvieron algo que ver, no obstante hoy en día existen miles de documentales cuestionando el holocausto, esto provoca que los judios ahora mártires se ofendan, en los últimos días han salido a la luz comentarios de líderes judíos expresando su repulsión a la cultura europea es por eso que según dicen los refugiados son un plan para convertir a la raza europea en raza mestiza y tener más control sobre ella,
yo como individuo encuentro poco inteligente a los grupos de extrema derecha incluyendo supremacistas blancos, neo nazis, entre otros que creen que generando vandalismo lograrán un cambio, la única solución existente es que cada país europeo despierte y se de cuenta de lo que sucede, un ejemplo claro es Polonia que evita tener refugiados, hoy en día está mal discriminar pero perder tu cultura y tus tradiciones por dejar entrar gente que honestamente no trae nada bueno a la sociedad avanzada es aún peor, considero que hitler fue una gran persona pero hubo una fuerza aún mayor que detuvo sus planes

Si necesitan que responda algo pueden preguntar en inglés

Respondí en español porque sería difícil explicarlo en inglés

My english os good but not at all

Another plate of Dubs, waiter

This isnt what i ordered.

Did nothing wrong

My apologies sir, have trips, on the house

Thank you

Mighty kek, bringer of Hitler dubs. Hitler confirmed for good guy



War trauma from WWI frontier, growing up in a world of personal failures and lack of own identity. Also an evil mind in general.
Bad things happen when such people get a seat in the commando deck.

just to get others invading germany and get everything pulverized. t-thanks adolf..
Maybe germany deserved unfair treaties after WWI


after hitler there was twice as many germanies as before