I got some fucked up feet and I'm only 18. Heres 3 picks...

I got some fucked up feet and I'm only 18. Heres 3 picks. Im involved in Highschool Football as well as Lacrosse if that has anything to do with it. Anybody know whats wrong with my feet?



Rub some moisturizer on it.

Ive done that before, my feet have been like this for like 4 years, things like moisturizer only work for a while and then they dry up again

Drink more orange juice and try to stay hydrated.

Lol, I love orange juice and I stay plenty hydrated due to athletics and such

It's just dry skin, bro. Soak them in warm water for 10 minutes and take a pumice stone to it, then rub moisturizing lotion on them, put on some socks and take a nap. Make that into a ritual you do often.

Didn't see third pic--might wanna see a doctor about those toenails.

What kind of shoes are you wearing generally? (not for the sport.)

veteran here.
1 are your feet causing you any pain at any point?
2 it is a pretty good chance those need some medical attention but nothing to freak out about.
3 its just dead skin nothing to be to worried about. its why your feet don't hurt standing several hours at a time pounding on the all the time.

Around the house I dont wear shoes, and most of the time I avoid wearing shoes. But at school I wear tennis shoes and for certain occasions and on Fridays I wear boots (its mandatory at my school for varsity players)

My feet cause me pain alot, but for seperate reasons. I have feet flat as Kansas and terrible bunions

That's probably not your problem, then, unless the fit is bad and they're rubbing your feet.

Yeh I didn't suspect them to be the problem

need something for arch support, foot massage wether someone gives you one or you get a thing you can roll you feet on.
seems you might sweat a lot feet wise. as silly as it sound try putting baby powder or changing socks before and after practice.
maybe get a foot file to grind off some dead skin.

Thanks, I'll try this

You have athlete's foot for sure on your toes. Get some sulfur+resorcinol cream (acnomel is what I use) on amazon and just rub that shit on it. If you can't find sulfur+resorcinol sulfur cream on its own is probably good enough. Sulfur is a good antifungal and antibacterial and is nontoxic.
The bottom of your feet just have callouses, just use moisturizer if you're worried, but unless you're like 40 years old it's not an issue anyway

Thank you, I had no Idea what the toe shit was. This will help

You can also use vagisil or any other antifungal as well, but sulfur doesn't cause bacterial immunity like traditional antifungals and antibacterials.
I'd say sulfur is a safe bet though, it might not be fungus and sulfur is a pretty safe antifungal/antibacterial agent just in general.
Vagisil is usually the cheapest over-the-counter antifungal, it has the same ingredients as athlete's foot antifungals but is usually like 1/3rd the cost. It will still work on feet even if your foot isn't a vagina lol

couldent think of what he had. ive never had itI walked around a lot in sandels when I could helps airflow around my feet, kept them healthy. air and keeping them clean are important. If like me, I sweat a lot when I'm in boots, I wear thicker socks and always barefooted or in sandels when I have the choice

you have some type of fungus growing on your foot. put some tough actin tinactin on your foot you disgusting fat grunt. Catch my ball monkey boy, or get chopped


Thank you guys for being so helpful, im going to sleep now

Well OP's feet are mostly fine, the bottoms are just plain old regular skin callouses. The nails are definitely fungus though.
Resorcinol is a pretty common antifungal, or as said use tinactin, which is another antifungal.
Sulfur, resorcinol, tinactin, etc. will all help. The main idea is it's a fungus.