Thinking on starting using heroin what are you tought?

thinking on starting using heroin what are you tought?

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Great idea! That shit will grab you by the balls and never let go, until your life completely fucked in every aspect.

Sober faggot here. Don't do it plz. Shits cool for a while then addiction kicks you in the balls.

wrong what i lear the withdrawn is only 10 day

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha try it

If ur rich and will not have financial problem just become a junkie. Otherwise you'll shortly become a clochard

950 per month from dysabelity will cut it?

Shit nigga, you don't have to work? Just inject everything you see in your fucking veins, blame on disabled depression, everything's gonna be alright

If you're gonna kill yourself anyway then sure, but listen, if not, then there's a 98% chance this will be a lifelong problem. You will hurt your family, your future wife, children, and won't have a fulfilling life like any normal person. You will go through everything you love selling it for that black jizz of devil dick for life.

DONT START IT YOU STUPID FUCK. The curiosity what it feels like is what gets most hooked. It feels super relaxing like when you're really sleepy and that feeling right before you fall asleep where you feel cozy and loved and relaxed and happy and everything seems okay. But ITS FAKE, because everything is falling apart in your life and you're hurting everyone that loves you to death.

Please don't start it for the sake of your parents and your loved ones. I know you may be saying this as a joke, but for that little chance you're serious don't even think about doing it. It will fuck you up and the high isn't even worth it, you're just like half asleep all the time. Does it feel good? Sure. But riding a bike feels good, eating good food, traveling, going for a jog. Heroin will take all the joy out of all that shit and all you'll want is more heroin, and you'll deal with shitty dealers that will rip you off all the time, and you might even get robbed by some fiends. Sound like fun?

I'm 20 thousand dollars in debt because of heroin, and all of this in less than 1.5 years. DOn't do it. It'll be cool for 2 or 3 months then you'll spiral out of control.

Some of the most talented, smartest, and most athletic people have tried to control it. No one can't. It takes over your brain and physiology...don't fucking do it.

This. A little over a year ago one of my best friends blew his brains out. His problems were caused by heroin.

Every time you spike you sober happiness level will drop a bit. It will get to the point where depression is your equilibrium and you need heroin to feel just normal.

It will ruin you fucking life.

depending how long you do it, withdrawal can last for months...mental part of it, small aches, muscle pain....most severe seven to 10 days but you'll never last those 7 days cold turkey cuz you'll suck your dad's dick or rob your own mother to make that feeling go away.

It's a feeling where you can't sleep and feel extremely uneasy in your own skin to the point you'd jump off a tall building if you were sitting on a tall skyscraper or some shit.


I was like you just a few years back. Worst mistake of my life. No joke.

yeah you guys sound heavy i think i'll just stick to pcp.

seriously it's no joke. Not a laughing matter. Look at how many people all over the country are dying from it man, and thousands more on the verge of death daily, ODing and beating the odds until they don't. It's no joke, it's an epidemic. And all those kids were smart kids, good kids, great grades one time long ago, or not so long ago. Heroin takes over fast.

what a bhout smoking it only?

>when you're really sleepy and that feeling right before you fall asleep where you feel cozy and loved and relaxed and happy and everything seems okay

>feel cozy

If everybody feel that, no one would use that shit.

You can pretty much be a full blown junkie just by smoking it. There are people who smoke $100 a day which is about a gram a day give or take, depending on how good your hookup is.

Listen man...this shit is a mistake. It shouldn't exist. It fucks you up. You will literally rob your own mother for it.

My friend high on heroin (only smoked it too) was on a binge for 3 weeks straight, he stole 10 thousand dollars from his parents, he broke his parents man, and guess what? he spent a few thousand on heroin and the rest he gambled away.

Now he's trying to be clean more or less, keeps failing, (as most do) and guess what, he still can't believe he did it. It literally takes you over like the devil. Please reconsider. I'll say a short prayer for you.

Everything you love you will sell for heroin. I'm telling you. Your favorite TV, your computer, your games, your nice clothe, shoes, EVERYTHING. That's what heroin does.

how would you describe it faggot?

what kind of problems did your friend have?

I hate all you faggots but this fag speaks the truth. Extended family had a user, he tried selling his 2 year old.

You can't even structure a proper sentence, go ahead and pump that shit in. Maybe we can thin out the population a little, you fucking moron.

Yeah he does seem like he's autistic or drunk. I hope drunk.

like sell her pussy or like sell the kid? WTF

worst Canadian

A brief moment when you don't have to deal with reality and imagine you did not fuck up everything.


He was from a 200k+ a year household in the suburbs. He had no fucking problems but boredom, which led to heroin, which lead to a bullet in the brain.

idk how to type potatoes potatoes, but yeah same shit.

>Knows it's insanely addictive and you turn into a raging fuckhead


Fucking idiots everywhere.

You can still think about it, it just doesn't feel so bad and doesn't feel so important. You still know how fucked you are though in the back of your head. And you know the feeling won't last forever, that eventually you'll have to come down.

Completely brain numb to the world. Feel complete euphoria better than an orgasm, or coke, or your first cig of the day x100.

Then when it really hits you just feel comfortable and heavy. You don't want to move or do anything just sit there with that feeling.

Yeah I'm in some serious debt now 'cause of heroin and some gambling. Bad combination.

That kind of shit tears parents hearts open man...when parents know that they did everything for their kids but they chose to be junkies over family.


Never understood the people who are bored because they have no problems.

Well that's same when women cheat because they're bored. They want some excitement or adventure. And in result fuck everything good up in their life.

Do it. If you are stupid enough to think it might be a good idea to try it then the world won't miss someone with your breathtaking intellect.

I can't even smoke weed, because when I am high I can't think of anything else but how I fucked up everything.

How badly did you fuck up?

I've been clean lately and am dealing with the consequences of being high on and off for 2 years. Not fun. I partied a few years ahead of my life.

Yeah they found the body too.

No challenge when you have everything given to you. Why would millionaires commit suicide? Why don't billionaires just retire and stop trying to manage their companies? People need a challenge, constantly.

I come from a rich family and still put enough blow up my nose in 2011 to kill Freud 100 times over, and did enough shrooms in 2010 to give buddha an existential crisis. Boredom.

The do heroin you retarded faggot since you know so much about it

There is nothing wrong in cheating. Love and occasional passion could coexist.

Bad decisions. Work. Women. The usual.
I don't seem to be a loser, but I can't think of anything else.

You gotta cut that blow shit out too man...better take adderall, it's safer...cocaine will make your heart valves have little holes in them, and can cause a heart murmur or worse.

Be careful. Limit it.

I'd like to try it but not get hooked on the shit. Any tips on how to take heroin two or three times without fucking up your life?

When you consider challenge is being richer you are just dumb.

Uhh...sure, if you wanna be a cuck. A woman who knows she can get away with it will surely turn you into a cuck.

And soon you'll be watching her fuck big dicked niggers while you jack off furiously in the corner. I have no respect for people like you. You are the reason the white race is dying off. You are not a man. You're a pathetic bitch.

I'll beat my bitch the fuck up, swollen eyes, broken cheekbones, the works, whatever it takes if she ends up cheating on me...or even thinks about it. Man the fuck up cuck hoe.

use it max 2 times a week, you wont get physical withdrawals. great idea anyway

Read the fucking thread. You get hooked by trying it two or three times you fucking idiot.

There's no way to try it without getting hooked. Unless you wanna risk a lifelong addiction.

Jesus man these fucking idiots. I keep trying to educate these dumbfucks but they choose to be fucking dumbcunts.

I'm only doing this to increase my typing count. Stupid fuck.

fuck off faggot. let the OP enjoy this awesome substance

is hydromorphon comparable to heroin?

I did about 30 8mg pills last year, was great but no craving

I've tried different drugs and never had any problems with withdrawal. I'm just curious what the high is like

I only hear a frustrated little boy's cry, who was cheated before. Go for it my young friend, threaten and beat your girl. She will love your temper first, but you will be left or cheated again and again.

cravings build up over a few uses dumb feggit

been clean for over three years except some pot during my colorado trip this summer, and when im not taking piss tests.

Tell that to soros or the rothschilds, not me nigga

I just really enjoy smacking dumb cunts around. They like it too you silly cuck faggot.

heroin is the most fluffly shit of all existing drugs
try some good ass desomorphine, cheaper, easier to do, and u'll feel like u fall into pieces, also literally.

I bet you will have a happy family.

I did a few uses you retarded homosexual

here. I quit smoking and coke cold turkey without much trouble. won't touch heroin from what I saw it do to people that were much better/stronger than I am.

It fucks you up the first time you dose, and you will be chasing the dragon in a downward spiral. The second time I picked up the buddy from the hospital after an OD I chewed him out pretty good and he was pretty shaken up. Lasted less than a month before he was pawning shit for it again.

>no way to try it without getting hooked
retard detected.

Teach me your ways pls

all you need is self-control.
also there is possibility that you dont like opiates (or any other GABA class drugs), there are a lot of people who try this shit and never do it again because it feels shitty for them


I've had about 100mg of oxycodone, felt pretty nice. Self control isn't much of a problem


Ppain patient here, it takes time to develop physical dependence, All that's being effected the first time is mental addiction (which you can get mentally addicted to almost anything, gambling, sex, fast food, etc) its a matter of willpower the first few times.Oh and OP the fact that you chose a trainspotting screenshot to post with is ironic because that movie shows the damage it can do to your/others peoples life

Anything but heroin. Seriously, why would you even want to do that shit? I wouldn't have even replied if you said cocain or some shit, but WHY THE FUCK would you just casually start using heroin?

>why would you even want to do that shit?

OP I hope you changed your mind. Or otherwise you'll shame your famiry and you'll end up being a junkie beggar piece of shit. You've been warned. May god be your guiding force away from that shit. I wish someone smacked me in my mouth and knocked out my front teeth before I used it and I went to the hospital instead. My life would be more wholesome with two missing teeth. At least I'd have all my nice shit and no fucking debt and my parents wouldn't lose all the respect for me which is most important to me.

Trainspotting -great movie but very light and funny - maybe watch requiem for a dream ... i don't like this movie but better show heroin addiction