Well Sup Forums I have a kid on the way and I'm pretty much flipping the fuck out. I'm still in school...

Well Sup Forums I have a kid on the way and I'm pretty much flipping the fuck out. I'm still in school, still working my shitty 14$ an hour job, and I still live with my my parents, but once they find out I know I'm going to have to find my own place. My girlfriend makes 10$ an hour, and wants to keep the baby because she says she doesn't want to "murder" an innocent life. What do Sup Forums? I already know I'm fucked.


You are FUCKED

Show her videos of white trash living in trailer parks and explain to her that will be yalls life for the next 20 years (probably rest of life) if she is stupid enough to keep the fucking kid

I've had 6 bitches get abortions of mine by constantly shoving down their throat how miserable their life would be and also how I would never support the little fuck

Still in school making $14 an hour and both you and your significant other are employed. You're doing better than 90% of Sup Forums.

More bumps

Bumping this similar boat

I keep trying to let her know how much she's fucking up, but she just won't buy it. I've explained that we'll bring some innocent fucking baby into the world and we really won't be able to provide for it because as it is we don't make enough to realistically support ourselves. Why are women so dense?

Your only hope is to constantly point it out with sound examples that she can understand on how bad things will be

I frequently would point out all of her single mom friends that fucking hated their life

I would ask her to name a single person in her life that had a kid young if they were happy

I would ask her to name a single person in her life that had a kid young that the parents stayed together for even a couple of years

I would ask her to name a single person in her life that had a kid young that wasn't in and out of court for years and years and the only person they could find to date was some loser with 3 kids from 3 different moms

Also, if you by some miracle do convince her to have an abortion. You have to break up with her afterwards.

She will blame you for it and best case scenario, ends up losing her shit and breaking up with you; or worst case scenario, purposefully gets pregnant by you again and keeps it that time

Thanks Sup Forumsro, I'll keep these things in mind. I appreciate the advice.

Good luck man, i'll keep you in my thoughts for good luck

Op is a faggot.

is this worse than being a virgin?

Pocketpussys don't get pregnant. She's pregnant because either A. I beat birth control, or B. She wasn't taking her pills regularly.

>is this worse than being a virgin?

1000000000000x worse. I was able to skip town and my kid is 15 now I guess, but im across country and have successfully hid the whole time

I'd kill myself if I ever was found by the little shit or the mom/court

It's Allahu Akbar you mong.

You're such a failure you can't even insult fuzzy wuzzies right.

You may as well marry her. Your life is over. You will never be able to afford a family with a different woman, due to the raping you will get for child support. Marry this cunt, and try to make the best of it.

Break up with her first. Then she can't have any illusions that this kid will grow up in a proper family.

Read up on herbs that cause miscarridge.
ie. Parsley


Too stupid to use bc

I've used Black Coash on an ex once and it fucking worked superbly.....she was in tons of fucking pain though lol....I didn't care

Find a homeless guy downtown, pay him $100 to pretend to "accidentally" knock your gf over while she's walking down a set of stairs outside somewhere.

Hundred bucks is way less than 18 yrs of care user. Think about it. And if homeless dude wants more than that, still might be worth it.

"Pay a hobo to assassinate your unborn child"
>Not today, Skynet

You want to kill a baby. Die