What does /b think about eyeball tattoos?

What does /b think about eyeball tattoos?

It looks like a disease or an internal bleeding. Why would you get one?


It looks cool, I would never to it myself tho.. There's no way back after you've done it haha. But yeah, I think it's cool

I don't understand how you don't go blind getting it done, but I also don't care because it looks like shit.

Pretty much every other external body part's been done, last place for edgy "I'm a hard motherfucker" types to go until they figure out how to tattoo veins somehow.

I think all tattoos look crap. This just confirms for unemployable degenerate

You can actually go blind. It happens sometimes


It gives a lovely excuse for not finding a job and blaming society.

precision thts how you dont go blind

>Ultimate Sans cosplay

just wait in a few years face tattos will have to be acceptable, too many stupid people getting them

or you could not be gay and go as harvey dent

What are you talking about?

You've got to be a special kind of badass to get an eye tattoo.

Whitout trying to sound edgy or snob or pretending to understand these fuckers, if you want to tattoo your fucking face/body part to such extreme state then don't bother asking for what people think because you are not gonna like the answers you will get. It's pathetic and attention seeking in the most extreme way ever. That is all.

A trump deplorable

you sound like an edgy snob thats pretending to understand these fuckers.

Only niggers, wiggers and sluts have tattoos. My skin is not a canvas.

you're a fucking nerd but i agree with you

Had this conversation with a kid that just graduated from college with some bullshit degree. He was ranting on bout how society unfairly judges him because of his tats. I listened politely until the bullshit was so fucking deep. Then I explained the real world to him.
"Hey asshole you have knuckle tats." You cant hide that shit and it looks like prison. Your fat so its not even remotely edgy. You cant even work in retail.
hey /btards - get your tats / whatever and wherever you want - we need edgy fuckers driving garbage trucks.

Amen to that.
Well said

I always said that. if you wanna draw why not just draw it on a piecenof paper and wear it on your chest

He's gonna get a great job!

Look at his shirt, he is probably in prison

Eyeball tattoos originated in prison using melted plastics, pen ink, and a homemade shiv to slice open a layer of the eye and they poured the ink into the cut.

"Ooooh I'll do one right now!"

Why do you retards insist on talking to everyone even knowing you can't keep up?

Top Kek

>Fucking loser

They look excellent... on corpses.