It's time to get schwifty in here

>It's time to get schwifty in here

Shit on the floor

I'm Mr. Bulldops

>mobilefaggot likes Reddit: The Animated Series

no surprise there.

>man with severe depression and inability to pleasure women sexually hates fun. More at 11

I dropped this show after the first episode
Whats the apeal?
>le funny drunk professor is burping
>litterly no attempts at jokes
>nothing interesting happens
also the professor has such a shit voice actor
he sounds like someone asked one of their mates to do a shitty cartoon voice during an evening out at a bar

It has its moments. When Beth and Jerry aren't ruining everything, it's a pretty fucking funny and interesting sci-fi show.

the first episode it's literally the only one that sucks

The keep summers safe episode is fucking brilliant. Literally amazing.

>not anatomy park

Anatomy Park was good.

my favorite episode is the one where morty's grandparents literally bring their black bull to thanksgiving dinner

that was funny haha

That was Anatomy Park.

This show is Reddit as fuck, but I like it. The episodes are kinda high concept so the first episode isn't really reflective of the later ones.

I liked the Inception episode.

Was the dog one the first episode? That one sucked.

The only R & M episode I didn't care for, the song especially.


>not Interdimensional Cable 2

when is new season?

Here are the indisputable worst episodes of Rick and Morty:

Raising Gazorpazorp
Get Schwifty
Tiny Rick
Interdimensional Cable 2

That's not to say there aren't other bad episodes but these 4 stand out as particularly shitty.

>Tiny Rick
>Particularly shitty

You are not my nigga

how old are you? 16?

*buuuurp* finally some discussion about this show on here, *fart* I'm usually discussing it on reddit *burp* but now I can post here too :D

Tiny Rick is worth it just for the Dracula stinger at the end.

What the fuck was up with season 2's guest commentaries? The Valve guys were good but the other two were absolute dogshit.

That alone, the episode it p shitty

Name 3 things from it you found funny. Or did you like the plot?

Worst ep by far

Why Rick slowly becomes more and more a idiot? He was pretty fun at the early episodes.

>yfw the Rick voice actor actually voices almost everyone and also created the show

Why do people hate the dog episode? Him waking up Summer was probably the funniest line in the show.

the series creator who also does the voices actually browses Sup Forums alot he says

He also browses reddit a lot.

Which one? The literally cuck?

This is correct.

Dan and Justin have both admitted to browsing Sup Forums. Justin is far more open about it. He even called someone a wagecuck in a season 2 commentary.

I remember hearing how one of them would go on Sup Forums when season 1 was airing and trash his own show just to see what people thought about it or something.

my maan

I don't get what is so "reddit" about the show.
What? Are you asspained about them beating up a nazi?

That's Justin.

Jan Michael Vincent, Ball Fondlers, and Two Brothers need spin-offs.

I like reddit: the animated series as well.

Shit on the floor, time to get schwifty in here
