What's the most pretentious movie you've ever watched?
What's the most pretentious movie you've ever watched?
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this shit show is shit
Batman v Superman Probably
bvs and birdman
>this fucking retard thinks perfect blue invented that story
this garbo
Good film.
If only it was a representative of what Hollywood is supposed to be, I'd watch American films more often...
About to watch this dude, hope it's good
Aguirre - wrath of god.
What a fucking waste of time. Anybody that claims to have enjoyed that piece of shit are lying to themselves.
This was trying way too hard to be Wes Anderson.
>being a pleb
this movie had a budget of 100.000 Dollars and was shot by people who had no idea what the fuck is going on
it's also a masterpiece you dumb cunt
i quite literally, unironically want you to kill yourself
Upstream Color
Tree of Life, without a doubt. Couldnt even finish it.
This garbage
Anything by snyder.
But it was really good user-chan.
Probably 薔薇の葬列.
Agree and I fucking love Malick
Undoubtedly "The Chelsea Girls". I saw it at the BFI on two screens and three and a half hours of Warhol's friends talking about inane bullshit was just too much for me.
i had to watch this in a film class in college wew
Congratulations, you just said the plebbest shit I heard in my life. You win at being pathetic.
Been meaning to see this soon, thanks for reminding me
these are pretty tame tho
Tree of Life or Knight of Cups.
>Something is complex/a little opaque therefore it must be pretentious!
Oh fuck you buddy
if this is the most pretentious movie you can think of you ain't seen shit boyo
you fucking absolute pleb
Nice sweeping statement, faggot.
>Pleb detected
Nice homophobia a**hole.
Did i win?
Pretentious is a meaningless buzzword by now, so
ITT: Shitposting general
'When plebs feel safe'
Another one...
The scene with White Lies was good and the girl was a qt.
Tree of Life.
When someone, especially someone on Sup Forums, claims a movie is pretentious, it usually signals that they did not get the movie on some level and have a bruised ego because of it.
It wasn't at all trying to be like Wes Anderson. Are you actually blind?
And by usually, it must be understood 99,9% of the time. Few words spot the pleb so accurately
Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice
Yall need to watch less capeshit
Bill Cunningham, New York
Fucking appallingly fedoray, they even WEAR fedoras in it ffs. No idea how it ever won an oscar either, it's not even that interesting documentary, just about some old pervert who goes around photographing people and jerking off over them. Like a less racist Anthony Cumia.
Didn't even see it, but I'd go with this or Tree of Life.
>Didn't even see it
Holy crap this board
Based on the comments, I didn't have the opportunity to see it, but I've basically read everything and watched most of the clips of the movie. It's indubitably pretentious, but it doesn't mean it's not good.
Surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet. It's one of the few movies to make me physically angry.
not that one
This one by far
That's great
>but it doesn't mean it's not good.
That's literally exactly what it means sperglord
it makes me mad when people say how "epic" this movie is to watch while tripping. What a waste of a trip. At least watch something good
I saw Tree of Life and it was extremely pretentious, but it wasn't bad.
Too bad you're such a pleb who can't see those 2 aren't synonyms
what a fucking piece of shit
and jodorowsky
Hola, rabbit!
2001: A Space Odyssey
What are you going to say next? That the boat in Fitzcarraldo was easy to get up the mountain?
>2001: A Space Odyssey
Hello embryo.
nothing else is even fucking close
Pleb get out, PTA is the top director of the decade so far.
Nice thumbnail, faget.
definitely one of the most pretentious movies I've ever seen
Although I did love the scene where he imagines having a harem, and it's always great to see Barbara Steele in anything
Came here to post this.
Hallo Tumblr
It has very few stylistic similarities to Wes Anderson's work. The guy doesn't have a monopoly on quirky.
Seeing as the director of Black Swan bought the rights of Perfect Blue in America go suck a fuck m8.
PTA cuck out in full storm
>He/She disliked Tree of Life
I'm so sorry you don't like it.
That film changed my life. What didn't you like about it?
That vagina scene though.
pic related + anything by david lynch
the imdb reviews for this enriched my life.
>try to be a full metal jacket ripoff
>ITT:people who don't know what pretentious means
The only thing bad about 2001 is that o should have been more complicated
All Black Swan did was rip off that one chapter about the ballet dancer from V desu
>wasting time on a film by gaspar "no"
This fucking shit.
>As a German, I can appreciate this flick
>My good friend, David Goldstein, introduced me a while back
>I had a great time watching this with my wife's son!
my fucking sides are rekt
Pink Floyd The Wall
Pink Floyd sucks.
It probably stole more from Harold and Maude than Wes Anderson
Ayoade is still struggling to find his own style
>mfw watching Birdman
wtf i hate alejandro now
Just kidding, I always hated him, or at least his movies
Birdman was good. The Revenant wasn't