Dubs decide in what I smoke some of my stash

Dubs decide in what I smoke some of my stash


11, 22, 33 -> smoke in a french paper

44, 55, 66 -> build fast a watterbottle bong

77, 88, 99 -> smoke from a decent damaged glas pipe (caution: glas splitter)

Any Trips:

I smoke like in the picture.

Will deliver.

P.S. Only first request wins!

Other urls found in this thread:


If trips you turn your life around. Sober up, and find a new hobby.

Fuck it, roll

Shit, user. You almost saved him


go to the kitchen and grab a knife and kill yourself you stupid ooga booga nigger before I stick you in the gaschamber over and shut the door nigger

lmao, from wat


pizza rolls

rolling in hot



better post pics op

LoL I hit those dubs 420 blazer it another Winrar btw

just broke completly as i tried to load it.


new 77, 88, 99 -> smoke by lightning it on the table

Hand pipe.

1. Tuck your thumb under your index and pointer finger, but over your pinkie and ring finger.

2. Tuck your weed between thumb and the webbing between your ring and index finger. Try to use a small nug to plug it so you can top it with ground buds.

3. Light it up, pulling from between your thumb and pointer finger. Your hand pipe starts out carved so pull hard to light a cherry. Exhale and locate the carb; it is between your thumb and ring finger on the side other your hand. Use a finger from your other hand (or the lighter) to block the carb to take your hit.

4. Maintain the cherry to continue smoking your hand pipe.

Always remember: pain is weakness leaving the body.

s u c c

carbed* not carved

>between your index and pointer fingers
Nigger what?

Along your thumb, on the side that's not being used as your bowl

Rolling, also i got a new bubbler today OP

Shit, I misunderstood. Thought you were looking for the carb.

The first knuckle of your ring and index finger are the front and back of the bowl. The side of your thumb and the webbing between your ring and index finger are the sides of the bowl.

shoot it

The index and pointer fingers are the same finger. Did you mean middle instead of index?

I lost the game

Fuck. Yes I do. Replace all instances of "index" with "middle"