let's discuss this Sup Forums what are your thoughts on it? try to write an actual argument instead of insulting it randomly and let's see where we end up

degenerates need to die

OP here
my opinion is: the idea is good but the execution is horrible

these are the kind of comments we want to avoid

what are you gay?

wouldn't want to miss out on anything I suppose

>these are the kind of comments we want to avoid
then fuck off to with the rest of the degenerates

I couldn't give less of a shit, but be tasteful. No one wants to see you screaming with some dildo taped to your crotch.

I also don't see the point in celebrating your sexulaity, if there isn't more to you than that/ it's your biggest trait, then your a burning uninteresting person. But im just some dumb faggot so what do I know

don't get me wrong I really couldn't care less if you hate the gays it's your business I just want to have a normal debate and degenerates need to die doesn't really strike me as an argument

Gays have rights trans have rights now we need rights.


yes the dildo taped to crotches and deepthroating it publicly defenetly needs to stop

the point originally was to show gay people that they can be openly gay and it's okay, it's not supposed to be a celebration but rather encouragement so closet gays wouldn't hate themselves that much

no thanks

it's literally the only argument I need

you fags are the reason we still have aids today


There should be no age of consent at all.

If that's the case, then really, you don't need the parades anymore, at least in North america. I mean it's to the point where gays have been kicked out of the progressive stack. It's considered normal enough now. a Trans and possibly Bi parade would achieve more.

But again, I don't really care, it helps drive business in the city I suppose, which helps everyone else out. So that's a plus.

at the start it was good, they needed it. but now they r thinking they r entitled to everything. it went too far

yeah I guess it caries from country to country and state to state
I'm an eurofag tho but these parades are at least not so extreme here. way way way less dildos

Why does anyone get all butthurt over what the fags do? Are they forcing people to attend the parade? No, so then DON'T FUCKING GO if you don't like/agree with the lifestyle.

To my fellow straights, there is a large faction in that community that only lives to make you uncomfortable. They have a parade, do some outlandish shit, and you go jumping around like a fucking Pavlovian dog... they press the button, you provide the show!, they get their jollies!

Naw, they just got sucked in by the SJWs cause they thought they were their allies.

They are eating their own again, Gays are oppressive to women.

Finally someone getd it

Fuck you faggot


I live in a small town up here in Canada. We have like gay couple up here so during Pride Day, we all just go to Town Square and bbq. Cause we're a bunch of lumberjack hicks, everyone just brings what they are proud of, pies, sausages, Wood carvings, etc.

It's when I went to the city during pride day did I get a shock and saw dumb shit like I mentioned earlier. Not all of them were like that, but there was enough.

Being gay is fine with a bunch of people,including me, but trans people are kind of creeping me out.


no problem by me. i'm not that insecure faggot in denial who attack gays

I don't care if you're gay... no one should care... it's really stupid to have a parade about your sexuality. I'm not saying that you should be ashamed, but it's pretty arrogant.

I grew up with trans people in high school, so I'm a little biased but I have perspective.

Most trans people just want to pass as the gender they think they are. They work hard to disguise their voice, change their names, change their bodies, etc. most of them are understanding. Eventually they get surgery, but most stop at genitials as fake dicks/vaginas are just chop shops tbh.

The important thing to note: You generally wouldn't be able to lick a good trans person out of a crowd, and up close at most, you can only tell that something's off. Sometimes you won't.

What I hate are the Tumblr trans people, the people with full beards or breasts flapping in the wind, claiming their some other gender. That's fucking horseshit and they are just claiming trans identity in order to be special.

I'm fine with them I just hate when disgusting SJW's ruin it

Ya tumblr trans people were the ones i was talking about i probably should of said that.

Yeah I agree than. They are fucking disgusting.
I'm not even part of the LGBTQ and they make me mad

i don't care about if a person is gay or not just don't like be in my face about it. if people want to get married then do it. if a person wants to get married to a computer then go for it.

I'm bisexual but I'm not proud of it, nor ashamed of it. I'm also right handed, and I care about that fact about as much as my sexuality.

If you actually care about a person's sexuality, including your own, you're dumb.


According to feminism, there is never consent, at any age!

ma nigga


I'm Gay.

let's celebrate!!!


The loudest part of any group is always the easiest to hate, but are rarely the ones to worry about, just as how the guy holding a head on a stake in an ISIS video is still less of a threat than Mohammed Atta or how Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold can barely hold a candle to Cho Seung Hui.

"let's discuss this Sup Forums what are your thoughts on it? t"

" try to write an actual argument instead of insulting it randomly and let's see where we end up"

Eh, wat? Discuss? Discuss what? My thoughts? You want actual arguments based on "what are your thoughts" on GAY PRIDE PARADE?

What is wrong with you.

you seem confused my friend what's the problem?

But why do you even care?

Kill yourself.


It's a terrible way to attract positive attention to the cause. It's only liked by some people who are already open to gay rights. Maybe if they could make it low key

Only the gay blacks.

Rainbow flag is the new SS flag. The Gaystopo.

I don't believe in an "equal system" where the minorities constantly need to assert their false uniquity.



>I'm Gay.
we know.

Got no problem with a gay pride march, as long as theres 20 or 30 Boston bomber style pressure cooker bombs waiting to liven up proceedings

Fuck off

Nice picture :^)

I am a libertarian(=dont care)

>When they say "I am a trans ", they are proud weirdos, and they think that is OK.
>When they say "I am a gay person", they are proud faggots, and they think that is OK.

>But when I say "I am a male", or "I am straight", they think that is n-o-t OK. Because then I am a homophobe, in one way or another.
Now, where the fuck is the logic in that?

Fuck you fucking rainbowpeople.

Most gay people i know say they dont need a dumb parade to feel good about themselves

Tactical nuke and done