Hey Sup Forumsros, I fucked up with my gf pretty bad

Hey Sup Forumsros, I fucked up with my gf pretty bad...

Any advice? Also, feels thread.

Pic unrelated.

what did you do

Cute, but you're cuter. Minus some minor flaws, such as........!!!!!!YOURE STILL HEAR

OP here. We've been together for 2 years now. She never knew how fucked i am psychologically... She's mad at me because of that. I was just scared that she would run away.

OP here. Like REALLY mad.

hard to give advice when you give zero info as to what the fuck you even did.

Just try to not be a cunt. If you wanna keep her happy, before everything you do ask yourself "does this make me a cunt?". if the answer is yes, then dont fucking do it.

Also, dont be posessive, jealous, angry or overly dependant.

And if you really really wanna make your life better wise the fuck up and get help. Go to counselling or some shit. My head was fucked and i thought my life was a mess until I grew a pair and went to get help.

OP here. Thanks mate. I've been a sunshine for her, she even said so. It's just that im just a little bitch in her back and I never told her.

get the dumb cunt a rock

Hey Sup Forumsros, I've been on here since around early 2014 saving some feels images, anyone interested? They might be stale by now, but maybe a few of them people haven't reposted much.

>im just a little bitch in her back

if you've been a dick and need to get that off your chest then tell her. apologise and say thats not how you want to be anymore or something. chin up, you'll be sweet

OP here. Not being a bitch AT HER in her back. Sometimes i treat bad some people, and she never knew

OP Here. I've already said it T-T She still doesnt wanna talk to me. Thanks anyways



Is English not your first language? Not trying to be a dick, genuine question. I just have no idea what you mean by "being a bitch in her back"

perhaps he meant 'behind her back'

if she loves you for who you are she'll come around eventually. unless youre a serial killer

I think he means behind her back

OP here. No, English is not mi native language. It´s Spanish, actually. What you said is what i meant

Op Here. Thanks. I think the same too. I´m not a serial killer btw hahahahaha

Alright OP, realtalk. It's quite possible that the biggest thing she's hurt by is that you kept a secret from her. She's a person, and wants you to treat her like one, especially as the person you should be the most willing to open up. People do a lot of hurtful shit in the name of "trying not to scare ___ off". You can't hide aspects of yourself like that if you truly care about and want to be with a person. They've gotta witness the shit too. If they truly love you/care about you, they'll accept you for what you are.

Don't just apologize for the fact that you hurt her; acknowledge that you know WHY you hurt her. Apologize for hiding something from her, and that your hiding it hurt her.

She's going to be hurt and angry for a bit though, so don't press it or try and fix everything right away. Give her some time and space, she will calm down, and as said, she'll come around eventually.

OP Here. Thanks mate. You really know what's going on. I needed to read this. :')