>mfw the quality of this board has noticeably improved since /got/ ended
Mfw the quality of this board has noticeably improved since /got/ ended
>quality of board improved since best show in the history ended
Nice board you got there, hipster
It's still shit
It's almost like you didn't see this place and Sup Forums two days ago. Fucking kill yourself, shitposting faggot.
>cuck threads
> Sup Forums vs tumblr vs reddit
What changed again?
Epic meme, now fuck off back to Facebook with the other normalfags.
>its not bad thing to be normal
Autism and long term virginity has hit new milestone on here, enjoy being ugly and lonely :^)
What happened two days ago?
Enjoy watching your normieshit communty getting raped, faggot.
Imagine what you see here, but multiply it literally by 100.
Oh, come on. Just in the day I wasn't here, I missed all that funposting. Fuck me
It went on for literally 3 hours. Seriously. Check the archives.
capeshit and got have gone down, but the content is still Sup Forums level. I've never seen a board go downhill so fast.
ARe Australians really that amazing, or the majority of them by proxy?
I'd imagine on boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums, shitposters use proxies to pose as Aussies to drive the meme even further and cause disdain towards actual Aussiefags.
I read this in Norm's voice
The best threads are now on the front page/top of catalog.
Haven't been on Sup Forums very long. Does Sup Forums get similarly inundated with posts when the Walking Dead is on?