Ask a guy with Erectile Dysfunction anything

Ask a guy with Erectile Dysfunction anything.

Do you have Erectile Dysfunction?

what are you having trouble erecting?

lemme check...



Do you have Erectile Dysfunction?

will i ever get to meet my idol, King William II of England?

Is life a dream?

Are you suicidal?

Why am i still a virgin ?

Where do babies come from?

It's possible. No one really understands consciousness.

I flirt with the idea a little. But I have kids and I love them so even when I feel the worst, that's always something that wards me off of doing something stupid.

Goddamn dude. How old are you?

Have you tried viagra

you never answered my question

Have you ever orgasmed while flaccid and if so what did it feel like?

Why do people think their own farts smell good, but other peoples farts stink?

You the same guy from last night?

What kind of dysfunction do you have?

Why the fuck don't you answer?

It's a mental thing. Some people don't like the smell of their farts. Also if you thought you were smelling your own fart but it was really somebody elses then you would enjoy the smell.

Pro tip, smelling farts reduces the risk of cancer. You should develope the fetish.

The fuck you say?


I've tried 3 or 4 of those and they don't work very well and cause me all kinds of other grief.

Yes, well, semi flaccid. I get semi-hard. It still felt good.

everyone loves the smell of their own brand. -fat bastard.



So do you still get horny and do you still orgasm

yes and yes

Does your wife fuck the mailman?

Let me guess
Your old, have kids, have a ham beast/ugly wife that your no longer attracted to, but it's your fault you can't get it up.
Decades of putting the initiative in your court has made you realize you don't want a boring traditional submissive wife, but it's to late to back out now.
Just get some pills and push some medically hardened rope for a few more years until your wife's snatch dries up

Question: how big your weener?


What's the most intresting thing you know about space?

If your dick is flaccid, and no one is around to see it, is it still limp?

Years of ED
Pills dindu.

4 mo acupuncture.

All better for 3 years now...

Not OP, but I'll help you out. There are four scenarios that make this possible:

1. Time travel is invented, which you could use to visit your idol.

2. You figure out how to make contact with the spirit world and conjure up your idol.

3. Roll the dice with the afterlife when you die. If there is such a thing, then you may get to meet your idol there.

4. Visit his grave. Open it up if you want to see him.

Hurry up and answer, we know you aren't playing with your dick.


