Hello, Anonymous! I'll be watching over the shrine for a little while...

Hello, Anonymous! I'll be watching over the shrine for a little while. Feel free to keep rolling until Reimu goes to bed.

Other urls found in this thread:


reimu doesnt have purple hair


Hello again

-Sweet Roll

I'm Kagami, dummy! I watch over the shrine after hours.

Not Reimu obviously, duh, but it's part of the shrine. Also, check'd.

all of these putting signatures in their posts and I'm just sitting here going...

Bring on the anons!


Is konata objectively better than rin?

Well hello!

Take off the glasses!

But what am i supposed to continue rolling?

While we are at it can i get a quick reading about my career?

oh wow trips

can i get a reading on whether all the work right now will pay off

The dice.

Hiya Nep!

Nice Dubbs, btw


You madman! Glasses make everything look cuter, see?

This kind person granted me the rights to use his dubs for a tarot reading about my love life. Thank you!

Oops, forgot the

Your waifu is gay.

Soaking wet.

Any chance of getting a Reimu thread friends Brawlhalla game going?

Wow that's a great piece of plastic you stuck on your face. Your face really looks much better behind that thin piece of crap.
Said... some people... but those people are stupid



Now I wanna suck a guy's dick, thanks asshole.

Just a bit hungover. I'll feel better tomorrow.

Yes, hello.

Well that's nice, just remember to drink lots of water next time!

Why would I roll the dice, do I win something?

>The World
>Queen of Cups
>Page of Pentacles
It seems that this is a step into a new world, one that will allow you to even support and encourage the ideas of others. The Page reaffirms that it is a good idea that brings with it offers of exchange.

>Two of Swords
>Page of Cups
Moderation in a time of uncertainty leads to good news.

Thank you reimu.

I don't actually have a waifu though...just an avatar.

Oh alright, suuuure, because you look so much hotter with those manacles on, oh yeah, love that psycho look you have there!

Welcome back ^.^

>Four of Wands
>King of Wands
>Five of Swords
Small irritating setbacks, followed by overwhelming opposition from a kingly man of status and honor. Could be the girl's dad, or at least that's my first impression.

A tarot reading, if you roll snake eyes.

thank you!

Reimu I just finished fapping and I feel horrible and guilty. What should I do?

B-but that's lewd, Satan-san...

Remind yourself that everyone does it and go read some more literature about it.

I love when I get Satan trips~

Please give a tarot reading to someone deserving.

The gets are strong in this thread, too...

Thanks, it comes natural

Well, her father is dead, so that is not it. Some other sort of authority figure, perhaps?

It doesn't have to be a guy, bitch.
How do you not have waifu, faggot?

Yeah, just that kind of guy. An older, experienced man who's important in certain circles.

Will do! If any show up, that is.

Satan confirmed for lewd

Bout time Yukari grows a conscience

What do you mean? Do you have any recommended reading?

Autistic fag

R-Reimu, I had a dream about you last night, but it's a little embarrassing to talk about...


Deal with it.

A-mei-zing! We really needed a new replacement since the old psycho left, lol.
Come on...do some crazy stuff already u.u

Because i find it to be pointless, humans need interactions with their loved ones, i mean, you could get one of those body pillows, but that's really not the same.

Going to keep an eye out. Even if it is quite worying and quite frankly, bad news, I appreciate it.

But you wouldn't have mentioned it if you didn't wanna tell me about it anyway.

How was your Christmas? ^^
Satan is confirmed for all.

Glasses and socks off

Best of luck with it! I'm sorry it wasn't a more positive reading, but remember that the future can always be changed!

So you're not fond with any female anime character?

Wonderful! I got into the Christmas spirit for the first time in a long time, and spent the last of my money for the week on gifts for people that they all loved.

And I got some pretty great ones too! How was yours?

It's okay! I will do my best to communicate and avoid that bad ending :3


I thought I was already doing crazy stuff
Like asking people to play Brawlhalla

That's actually very nice to hear and very nice of you as well. I spent time with my crazy nieces and I didn't buy anyone anything.

No waifu, no laifu

Even I have a waifu

I just know that I can never truly interact with her

But it's better than no gf

I guess

-Sweet Roll


Deal. With. It.

Stockings are cool
Glasses aren't

Hmmm.. well, did you have fun at least?

glasses on girls are the best

what do you do for fun

Nope, i sincerely don't even.watch anime that much, only ones i liked are HunterxHunter, Code Geass and Toradora so far, and i tried to watch a lot of them, they just end up making me feel bored, most of them.

How is that crazy though? I ask people to do stuff with me all the time, does that mean i'm a psycho too?

Hmm, can you actually explain me how does that make you happy? Because i'd feel really sad if i loved something and couldn't interact with it, you actually got me curious now.

Glasses can be cool


Without mine, I might not see pic related in time!

hey what up, ask me anything

I will bespectacle every image I have if I must.

are you real

How do you live with yourself?


Nah, toddlers are annoying little shits.

I don't think I want to be here by this time next year. I want my own place far from here.

i dunno

Are you saying you're adding glasses to images that are better off without them? What heresy is this.

Yeah if you need them, but touhous do not need glasses. Sumireko and Mamizou is more than enough.

Do you even know what love is?

Video games, drawing, Youtube, biking, watching movies in sync, and this! I'm sure there's more, but those are the big ones.

If you had the power to stop time, would gasoline and other chemical reactions work while time was stopped?

Ohh, that's a big goal, but I'm sure you can do it if you try hard enough!

I dunno

I just hopped on the bandwagon

I just picked an anime girl that I really liked that had good waifu potential

I dunno, to some degree, it's fun

I don't overdo it though

I'm not the kind of person to ask

Most likely

-Sweet Roll

Neat! Biking like, BMX, joyful rides, motorcycles, or what?

I-I guess you're right, but it's still embarrassing! I don't want you to think less of me, or think that I'm a weirdo or anything, but I'm anonymous so I guess it's okay...

Um, well, we were sitting together, and I was telling you about problems I've been having lately and you were talking to me about them and it was really nice. And eventually I told you that I've never had a girlfriend or boyfriend before, and that I've never had a kiss before, a-and that I was scared at the thought of both, and we talked about why I felt that way, and then...you put your hand on mine, and I was scared so I looked up at you, and the way you looked at me with gentle eyes and a big warm smile made me feel so calm and peaceful and a little fluttery. You told me to just relax, and that it was okay because I was safe with you. Th-Then, you closed your eyes, and leaned in closer, and you...

W-Well, you get the point! When I woke up I felt really happy and warm inside, but a little embarrassed too.

I'm sorry if this was strange or creepy, but I saw today was a shrine day and all, and I suppose even if it wasn't really you who said those things and made me feel that way, I just felt like I needed to say thank you...!

Learn me how to draw
I have this tablet, and it works great as a mousepad

Satan #2 checked

How much is a house (where you live)? I want to live somewhere warm.

What does that mean?

Lol get a life

Joyful rides, I just use a plain old normal bike that you could find at Wal Mart or something and ride it around for exercise. It's really relaxing!

D'aww, that's adorable! Thanks for sharing it with me~

Th-Thank you too Reimu...!

It means nice trips

Can i ask what yours is? :3 Please keep going, you are definitely the right person!

Why are you asking that now?

Reimu's got a girlfriend!

Sounds fun! At least you enjoy your bit of exercising, most people don't.

Ah, didn't notice I got trips. Neat.

Well I'm somewhat bored now, time to drop out I suppose.


From Kantai Collection

-Sweet Roll

The Saiyan kind.

Ah, I don't know if I'd be any good at teaching.

Well, it depends on the house, I guess. The cheapest I've seen was like $45,000 to buy it outright. You'd need good credit and a mortgage to buy it off in payments, or you could rent a place. The cheapest rent I've seen is something like $500/month.

Isn't $500 a bit much?

Hahaha! That's a good one.

If you ask me, yeah. I guess this is an expensive area, even though it has no good reason to be... people will charge you $500/month to live in a 12ft box attached to their barn...

D-does that mean I'm suck here forever?

Reimu is cool!!

Reimu, how do I be a NEET and live alone? Working and college would both make me miserable, but I feel like I'm living in a somewhat toxic situation at the moment and I'd very much like to live on my own, but I don't want to work or go to school.

Well no, it just means you need either a really good job or a roommate or two when you move out!