Dear Sup Forums users!

Dear Sup Forums users!

I am a tumblr user, genderfluid and otherkin (also proud vegan)
Your site generates a lot of hatred. Stop the hateful speech, the sexism and racism, islamophobia or else we will protest to remove Sup Forums.

This is a real threat, take it seriously!
You have been warned!

Ps don't bother to try and hack me because I just purchased mcafee 2017 edition with maximum protection!

obvious shitposter kindly fuck off


If a purple orangutan has sex with a goat, does 5-9=fish?

Thats not enough, you actually need 7 proxies

Stop with the shitty copypasta, I see you or others using this, every handful of days

Well, there it is.. It's done it... It's stopped hate across all of Sup Forums

I see you, old soul.

2 genders you liberal retarded porch monkey inbred


It's far too late as you can see we already hacked your gender

if you ever want to see your penis again post tits

I don't know what this means but
this right here

these copy pasta threads should just say "tumblr hate thread", much easier title

pic related: tumblr material

2015 wants its copypasta back, then 2011 called and said copypastas aren't even funny


Always wanted to find your favourite snap chat leaks? Use this tool today & thank me later lolol

Kill yourself you fucking pig and go fuck your goat too!


I swear Sup Forums is getting dumber by the minute.

not a thing. your feelings arent that important and playing pretend doesnt make true.

gender is 1 half of a function for reproduction and nothing more.

im correct-kin so im 100% right all the time

Weak b8 tho

Hi, I'm a liberal and a medic.

I'm glad to say that there's only two genders!

Oh my god are you practising for a real discussion or do you actually think OP is legit? Am I the one getting trolled here?

* in mad max voice*
Nuh uh. That's bait.








The Jews did this

Dubs confirms validity of Koan

All this bullshit sounds like fag people who are too insecure to just admit they're faggots.

Did you know that the creator of McAfee lived in the jungles and had girls (his wives) shit in his mouth?

Little fun fact for you since you brought up McAfee

Another note, so many other websites have that same shit you be bitching about. I bet there are so many people in your website that do the same thing.

A third note, just because you have McAfee security, don't mean that you are safe. If FBI servers get hacked daily, what makes you feel so safe? Best you be on your way and get back to your blogging.

Have a good day.
