If a girl farts or poops nearby do you lose attraction to her?
If a girl farts or poops nearby do you lose attraction to her?
if she shits anywhere other than a fucking toilet slaughter that nasty cunt
what if it's on your face?
post the webm bich
What if she's Indian?
I will lose attraction unless she does it in her pants
grow up op. maybe then you'll finally lose your virginity
it's here for now
Why posting BBC?
Don't be silly OP, everyone knows girls don't poop.
No, quite the opposite actually.
Scatfag reporting in.
I find it incredibly annoying and a huge turn off when my wife farts or shits anywhere near me. It's truly one of the most vomit-inducing things I have ever experienced. Basically we have a sexless marriage. I still fap furiously though.
Not really
i thank you user for bringing this to my attention
A turd that big should never leave a woman's anal hoop.
No problem user.
I've seen my ex gf drop a bigger one, still fap to that video 2 years after the breakup.
post vid
How do you take a screenshot in VLC for Android
It gets me hard because I am a sick degenerate.
do a bog standard screenshot through android
But then it captures the GUI crap that pops up as soon as you touch the screen
This, as far as you're not both into scat, not my kind of stuff but not judging.
Had a girl that farted into anal, I fucked harder, it was the only way, what should've I had to do, stop it and act disgusted?!
post the vid
I shoot a big cum
a little yeah
It's illegal to post nudes and shit where I live without the other person's consent, otherwise I would
Good god, fucking kill yourself.
poast video please
She really knows how to birth a turd!