Be Dutch

>Be Dutch
>Arrest a 99 year old woman for nothing and put her in handcuffs
>Make her smile for the camera whilst you mock and ridicule her

What the FUCK is wrong with Dutch people?

ehh what?
What actually happened here?

I already told you.

she killed a kid by pushing him out of a cliff. she deserved that shit


why would anyone shoot a kid, before throwing him out of the cliff

Hang on. You're telling me this 99 year old dead woman walking was strong enough to push a boy off a cliff? What were they even doing on top of a cliff?

honestly i understand her, if i am lucky enough to live to 99 years old i am definitely killing a random person just to see what it feels like

Just google "Dutch 99 year old" fucking retards

It was one of her life goals to be arrested once in her life.

Lmao ya'll are talking shit.
It was literally her wish to see the inside of a cell.

Look how fucking happy she looks, how often do you see so many happy people in handcuffs?

She looks like an oven dodger.

She likes it, it's her sexual fantasy
Also degenerate Dutch

Once again an example of FAKE NEWS! Sad!

many criminals don't feel remorse after committing a crime

Many such Canadian lies and bait, sad!

Duch bastards trying to cover up their FASCIST regime

Wow something worse than not wearing a bicycle helmet. Couldn't even believe it at first.

Christ, after all those years getting away with it, the Dutch finally caught the serial killer. This madwoman arrested will make a lot of people rest better today.


she's an old woman

Dutch propaganda.
Ze heeft verschrikkelijke dingen gedaan, ze verdiende dit.


no one cared who she was until she put on the handcuffs

I googled this post in quotes and found one exact match on google. Crazy.
