Just a daily reminder niggers aren't people

Just a daily reminder niggers aren't people.

My man

I thought you people were really into science and modern genetics proves you incorrect several times over.

I know you wanna be dope and be a nazi or whatever but you gotta choose your words wisely.

Daily reminder that nazis=niggers

False. Anymore incorrect statements for me prove you wrong with?

Hillary Clinton would have been the greatest president ever and has never done anything wrong.

>I can't even type this without cringing. Prove me wrong.

How did you prove OP wrong? Niggers obviously aren't actually people, but rather a lesser great ape.

Atheism = homosexuality = atheism

There's a clear link between homosexuality and atheism. ALL homosexuals have a problem with God and are atheist, and all professed atheists are closeted homosexuals.

You both know exactly why I'm saying this too.

should be a daily reminder you don't need to be
or pretend to be a nazi to hate niggers, everyone hates them equally, hell even niggers hate niggers.

No. Are you saying all non-whites are gay? Because that sounds like what you're saying.

I don't see any posts from black people claiming that whites aren't people right now. Blacks know you are people, because they know you also descended from the ancient sub-Saharan black Africans that all human people descend from.

So it's (You) who is not treating others as you would like to be treated. Or would you like to be treated like a non-human as you treat others, and by implication, that you would also like to become the victims of genocide, which you also advocate to other people?

>pic related

You're a special kind of faggot/retard aren't you.

You're tippy-toeing around the fact that I know you're an atheist so you won't admit it. You know I'm right and since you people are cowards, you will shy away from admitting what I said is true. You're an atheist. You and I both know it, that's all that matters.

You're a sad sack of shit m8.

You're an atheist. Every post with you not admitting you're an atheist shows how mad you are that I know the intimate essence of your being, godlessness.

ITT 6 cool people and one giant faggot.

Why would you fuck a nigger if you consider them to be inferior? (so, ugly)
Wouldn't it be degrading for you?

Jews aren't the problem any more you ignorant spic.

Once last chance, which is why I'm bumping the thread. Admit you're an atheishit.

I found the kike.

What's cringey is American in 2017 worshiping Hitler and venerating Nazism when America fought Nazi Germany to the death in the 1940s. Your grandfathers even literally fought the Nazis, unless they pussied out and dodged the draft.

It's as cringey as some Chinese people in China today who would be venerating the Japanese imperial flag and worshiping the Japanese emperor.

THAT is what's cringey.


I'm upset that naziniggers.com isn't up anymore.

And do you hate all black people equally or just niggers

Also another question who else do you hate besides blacks

No, what's cringey is America waiting an entire decade to go into a war under the pretense of "saving da Jooz", using the fact that Germany's economy was the greatest in Europe and destroying it would put America's economy into hyperdrive as the rest of Europe would have to use Amerca's manufacturing for the next four decades after painting the Nazis as devils that must be stopped (even though for the entire decade before that American citizens literally supported the Nazis).

Your country literally killed off its own citizens for its own benefit, making you no better than Nazi Germany

Happy New Year from East Africa


Who hurt you OP?


No, I'm pretty sure you're just a nigger.


how? Show me on the doll where Obama touched you.