Elsweyr for khajiits,black marsh for argonians,Skyrim for everyone!?!?!?

Elsweyr for khajiits,black marsh for argonians,Skyrim for everyone!?!?!?

No Altmer in Skyrim, they are fucking scum, everyone else is ok.

Somerset Isle should be turned into a prison Island for those Altmer degenerates.

Skyrim and High Rock are nice. Everywhere else is shite.

get those lizard freaks, and milk drinkers out of Skyrim. Everyone else is good though.

Skyrim is for the nords


>not understanding Nordic slang
What kind of casual are you? A milk drinker is a child, retard.

"milk drinker" refers to a 'soft' person.

...because you're an idiot, I mean feeble or weak when I say "soft."

Elder scrolls lore sucker here - saying; Skyrim really is for tge nords. But not really.

This is meta

Well hold the fuck on. Are we asking in reference to the context of just skyrim or in the context of all Tamriel?

Cause if we're just talking about Skyrim, then it should be for the Nords. Fucking altmer can fuck off back to the sommerset isles. In a way, everyone has their own place in Tamriel, but they were trying to fuck the Nords out of their land in skyrim with the help of the legion. Fuck that nonsense.

I wonder if anyone has done a playthrough where they go out of their way to kill every Altmer in Skyrim?

I have not "killed every single one" but I do kill every single one I see. Lol

The game predicted the future
>Stormcloaks Trump supporters
Mildly racist, nationalist, largely rural, not complete pussies, leader is loud, and boastful.
>Imperials/ HC supporters
Globalist, sucks at war, will try to behead you because you might be against them, elitist career politician for leader.

You're too retarded to understand that calling someone a baby means calling them weak, okay I get it, you're 'handicapped'.

Skyrim for the nords, but part of the empire

Everything's for sale my friend, everything! If I had a sister I'd sell her in a second!

Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying? Of course you don't.

Dragons, Stormcloaks, dogs, elders, there's nobody I won't fight!

Gray Mane, or Battle Born?

Kill them all, everyone is equally worthless.

I hate that faggot.

Skyrim is for Lydia and Lydia alone.

Every play-through that's the first thing I do in Whiterun: coerce the asshole to attack me and watch the guards kick his ass.

Don't be silly.
That fucking shithole Cyrodiil is for everyone.

Am I not remembering correctly, or was there a Dark Brotherhood sidequest that involved killing him?

None that I remember, but I'll go check. Could be you're thinking of the wood elf nigger you drop the mounted head on?

No. If it was, it was probably some optional contract.

Skyrim was founded by immigrants, for immigrants

Fuck Lydia marry Ysolda kill everyone else

Fuck you, Lydia is badass. She can basically kill anyone you want. Ysolda is a fucking basic ass simpleton.