Sup Forums help me bros
How do you get over a girl? This is the second time it didn't work out for us and the first time crushed me I don't think I can do it, need some serious advice cause I put every bit of effort I could into it and she just didn't give a fuck
How do I move on from the girl I think is the one?
>inb4 faggot
Sup Forums help me bros
Eat shit
Too busy eating your mothers corpse cunt
best way to get over a girl is to find a new one
Well think of this my dear user. When looking back, what made you most happy
"you just gotta"
best advice i ever received. you just gotta OP. youll be okay
Thats shit thinking. Why make the hole bigger with a new shovel?
Tried that, shagged a bird from the club on New Years and it just made me feel worse
I was in a similat situation my dude it sucks you cant get over it im still fucked up over it it doesnt stop hurting but it gets easier to deal with and once you. Get a new different girl you feel alot better its juat temporary
Literally everything she was everything you look for in a girl
>good body
>good banter
>loves going to the pub
>self respecting