So guys I've been thinking

So guys I've been thinking.
What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
Isn't it going to be dark all day and we'll only have a bit of moonlight at night?

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Is it b8?

The sun is not made of lava. It's plasma or something.

Y'all niggas need some TMBG dropped on your asses.

If it was plasma wouldn't it be green?

plasma is just gas that has been superheated (like in the sun) or been subject to a strong electromagnetic field. Lightning is plasma, is it green?


American education or Aussie banter...? I can't decide

You have played too much Fallout.

I omce had a hippie try to convince me the sun is a giant ball of fire.

Technically it is. At least on the outside. There is off course all that lava on the inside.

That only happens because the lava comes into contact with relatively cool air. Contrary to popular belief, space is hot, because vacuums prevent cooling by conduction and convection. Hence the outer surface of the sun stays hot so the solar lava isn't able to cool enough to solidify.

IT'S NOT LAVA, FAGGOT! It's magma, get it strait. Also, if it was plasma it would look like pic related.

This is not correct. The sun is a huge thermonuclear reactor that pumps huge amounts of isotope 138 into its own core. When the core reaches critical mass it will start a huge explosion and the sun will balloon up and engulf the earth and all other known planets. This is when Jesus comes and separate the people that get to go to heaven from the ones that has to go to hell.

The sun is white, but most commonly green because of the light spectrum.

Second, it's a star not a planet so the surface is made of different material. The sun is im a sustained fusion. It should last a few more million years before it expands and then eventually retracts.
Unless you believe in god, then I guess some magic guy will come down and make everything better and you'll go to this magic place in the sky if you say the magic words
"Forgive me"

Ha we said almost the same shit lol

Wow. Great minds think alike.

no one even mentioned that light doesn't come from the moon. Its merely reflecting light from the sun...

To actually answer your question, there are times when spots on the sun's surface cool down and get darker. They are called sunspots and they end up going away because they get heated back up.

Wow. I never even thought about that. Mind blown.

No, the moon is a huge LED array. That's the real reason they had to fake Apollo 11.

The sun is not made of lava, you fucking idiot. It's made of superheated gases, primarily hydrogen and helium.

And if the sun were to somehow go dark, there would be no moonlight, as moonlight is merely sunlight reflected by the moon.

Where did you go to school? Fucking hell.

There was actually no moon landing. It has been proven.

Proven? You fucking retard

The only thing that has been proven here is you are fucking retarded. Jesus, the number of useless skidmarks out there who actually think we didn't go to the moon is staggering..

And this is the kind of stupidity that killed the greatest society ever

but did we go to the moon

The sun is made of happy thoughts - my mother says so.

It was a propaganda thing to win the cold war. Same as with these nuclear submarines everyone claimed to have during the cold war but no one ever saw any of them.

Are you autistic? The sun isn't made of lava! The sun gives off light because of the nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms which combine to create helium, causing the sun to give off energy.

The Apollo 11 mission was broadcast on live television you fucking retard.

But for fucks sake. They are submarines. They are under water. Your not supposed to see them. It's the point of them.

Every single person in this thread is fucking autistic.

You people are literally the reason that there is no more faith in humanity.

>The sun has lava on it
>All plasma is green
>Nuclear submarines never existed
>The sun is a ball of fire with lava at the center
>Sunspots are solid

Correct. Nuclear fusion causes helium atoms to combine to create helium.

It's 6 billion years, not a couple of million you fucking spergling.


It's hydrogen that makes up the main fuel load of the sun.

Hydrogen fuses with other hydrogen atoms to create the next densest element and so on.

Helium doesn't fuse with helium to become helium.
It becomes a denser and different element.

the sun is kept hot by vast stores of hydrogen,,I E it is all hothothot

Fuck. I just realized what I typed.

No worries.

>So guys I've been thinking.
>What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
>Isn't it going to be dark all day and we'll only have a bit of moonlight at night?
American education.
Seriously, people in dark ages ware better educated.

i thought it was hydrogen via nuclear fusion. not fucking lava. it literally cannot solitify because its just a ball of gas. its why we have white dwarfs and shit. same with suoernovas because the star turns into a singularity then fucking explodes into gas that cant fuse.

And this kids, is why Hitler should've won WWII.

>moonlight at night


Right, because clearly launching 17+ massive Saturn V rockets for absolutely nothing is a much more plausible scenario than actually going to the moon.

>durr we faked da nuclear submarines!
Jesus Harambe Christ, is there no end to your stupidity?

>Seriously, people in the dark ages ware better educated.
Something about this seems off. I don't know, could just be my retarded self being silly.

True. At least in the dark ages people probably could accept the fact that they were ignorant. Now ignorant people fill in the gaps with crazy shit.

Yeeeah and earth is flat too right? The sun is also made of lava apparently

Can you tell me the era you live in? You do realize we are going to mars right?

Moonlight comes from the sun... there would be no light from the moon, it emits no light it simply reflects light from the sun at night.

Wow, you guise or so smart! Now look up troll physics. Then lurk moar. Finally, kys !

> (You)
>>Seriously, people in the dark ages ware better educated.
>Something about this seems off. I don't know, could just be my retarded self being silly.
Well, ok, they warent - but at least they knew they are stupid & uneducated, so they kept their mouths shut. Better?

He probably thinks Mars is a projection made by the Nazis to make the Americans think it's a little Sun because it's red like some stars.

chill youre on Sup Forums

The irony in your post.

>Seriously, people in dark ages ware better educated.

Nice trips.

>Makes autistic argument.
>Realizes he's an autist.
>"loll guys i was just trollliiing1!!!""

How so?

Also checked

no user. just.... stop

>at least they knew they are stupid & uneducated

You are fucking stupid the Sun is a star not a planet the Sun is made of multiple types of gasses and when it starts to die out it'll expand to a red giant (and in the process destroying earth) and it'll just burn out.

Yes. Christianity teaches modesty.

It makes me so fucking sad that the basics of astronomy and physics aren't common knowledge in the U.S. anymore. You fuckimg idiots actually ridicule people who try to learn, and you celebrate people who brag about how stupid they are. America is such a disappointing waste of a culture now.

lel speaking of which i came up with the most retarded conspiracy the other day
>jews are dragons
think about it
>theyre old as fuck
>they hoard money and antient information
>they like power
>they freak out when people try to take their hoard

was hitler a legendary knight trying to conquor a dragon entity?


You agreed to some bullshit logic that people in the dark ages "ware" better educated, then said ignorant people fill in the gaps with crazy shit.

Nice refurbished copy pasta

People in the dark ages didn't respond to bait though

Dude the sun is made out of light you fucking retard not lava

This is the most retardest piece of bait I've seen on Sup Forums.

i really cant agree that they knew they were uneducated. like they did kill people who found new knowledge. the guy who invented the telescope and discovered earth was round was burned at the cross. poor fucking soul. christianity was about pure power and money. they slaughtered pegans and druids. they struck fear into the hearts of people regarding death. they didnt teach to read. they stole from the poor and masked it through shelter and god. and yet here we are today

The sun isn't made of light it emits light.

As an astrophysicist, the surface of the sun is mostly hydrogen plasma, with a density pretty close to the water on earth and a temperature about 5000°C. The thing is to have solid hydrogen you need a temperature of about -273°C, so as long as there is nuclear reaction in the core of a star, it is impossible for it to have a solid crust. If the nuclear reaction were to stop, it would take a shitload of time like billions of billions of years, for the star to cool enough to allow the existence of solid hydrogen, even the void of space is not cold enough for that. There is a special case where certain type of star eject all the lighter element at the end of their life, to end up as carbon rich white dwarves. In that case, they cool a bit more quickly and slowly turn into diamond, but even in that case the cooling is really slow because in space the cooling mostly happens with radiation which is far less efficient than cooling by contact.

Yeah, and Jupiter isn't made of ice.

Whats next, are you guys gonna try to tell me that those ice suns aren't real?

Finally someone in this thread with intelligence.

lmao thats retared blood is made of like 50% plasma and its red not orange and doesnt glow

What will the sun be like once it just burns out I know it'll expand and destroy our plant but what happens after that.

lava is rocks that are on fire so he wasnt far off

Nice 69 get. Also, leave my autism out of it! FYI this is my only other contribution, clearly trolling. Also make me!

My son destroyed a plant once. I just got a new one.

youre a fucking idiot, you need to do a complete 360 with your life, holy fuck


kinda like how op's parents fused to create a different and denser human??

holy shit sides have been lost

Theres diamond planets and shit...sounds like mario galaxy

I meant hydrogen.

Fuck common core