Dubs decide my steam username and avatar

Dubs decide my steam username and avatar


Chocolate dildo fucker
Use _ and 1337 as needed.



smegma enigma?


Semen Demon 666

rolling for this


Big Nige

I like this one

My hero


Mr Adolf was a ver good man in fact he was a fucking gentleman.


Exceeds the character limit

Hitler was not a Nazi , He was one hell of a man
He just thought a little different that is all.

Arya stark

Why the fuck am i on delay?

No really Mr Hitler was an absolute geniues

cant fucking spell either


Why the fuck can't i post my name fuck the feds.

You are a very clever little person

Right has anyone been to the catacombs in Paris?

What are the bets who is the next pilition to be indited?

cant barrage the farage