This is impossible and you will fail

this is impossible and you will fail

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck you

what's your major malfunction fucko

exactly this. not even hard

fuck i'm an idiot, that top box should be marked, basically



I don't get it, was it because we wouldn't notice the white box?

ahh this one makes the most sense.

since that first box's 1 is pointing to a bomb off screen, then the two at the bottom is pointing off screen to a second one and the three bombs there surround a 3

pic related

White box in top right means it touches no bombs, it's not the same as a gray box also you've got too many bombs in bottom right

Have you guys never played mine sweeper? Are you guys 12?

idk this is a bit 2 ez

Where you put the bombs the numbers would have to be like this

>wtf are you doing nigger

i did this as a joke but they actually add up to 9 lol

How's schizophrenia?

ur a fag

How's autism?

Why are you insulting people in the future?

>I can't add 4 numbers together so I'm going to call everyone autistic


>you're not ready

It's not the part of actually adding the numbers together that's autistic, it's trying to order things in some metric that's not standard to the problem at hand

Remember: a kid playing with blocks is normal, a kid lining all his blocks up from biggest to smallest in color coding is autistic

Holy shit

Is this a real game? Please say it's real and you're not just fucking with me. I always solve 99 mine expert mode in under 2 minutes and have been doing speed minesweeper since the 90s

I need that game to be real (also used to pay 3d chess in high school

I'm the beta tester for the android version coming out this year.

90% Done I'd say.

So it counts off the boxes around a bomb rather than each box showing a number for how many sides are touching a bomb?

It works both ways, the numbers count how many bombs are touching it's sides and diagonally, but each bomb also effects the numbers around it. A minesweeper map is done before you begin, you are just using the numbers as a hint of where the bombs are.

Try harder next time, OP. Using your brain may hurt a little, but it's worth it.

Coming out this year on Android.

I'm hard

See this, this is the basic logic.

The grey area is unrevealed, the white is revealed. Normally the logic starts at the corners. The one the the second row of the last column needs to be touching a mine, but there is only one square touching it that isn't already revealed. That means the sw square touching it is a mine.

Thus all the other ones near that one would also be touching that bomb so the third column bottom row is not a mine.

Top row second column needs to be touching a mine, so that means second row second column is a mine.

The 2 in the second row third column is now touching two known mines so the second column third row can't be a mine. That means to satisfy the 2 in first column second row, and the 1 in bottom left corner, the remaining square must also be a mine

Oh I just forgot to consider diagonally

have you tried researching fisting?

Yes, there is a thriving research community I'm part of observing on

>Lining up blocks from biggest to smallest in colour coding

How's stupidity?

This is one of the most obvious signs of autism for those that are higher functioning


Op thought he'd be clever making a thread about minesweeper thinking he wouldn't find anyone that's played it. It's ez as shit to do but the idea is playing it in a time limit.

Piss off with ur boring ass game