

Other urls found in this thread:

m.youtube.com/#/results?q=philadelphia suicide&sm=3
m.youtube.com/results?q=philadelphia suicide&sm=3

Jesus fucking christ what does a 12 year old have to hang herself over. That's when you know something is fucking wrong.

Yeah, because losing your iPod is really fucked up.

Kek, epic video, OP! I keked my head off!

>what does a 12 year old have to hang herself over.
She voted for Hillary.
Also, she lost her iPod.

Like what?

Losing your iPod.

Recently my neighbors 8 yo boy and 10 yo daughter both tried to commit suicide... the daughter had to be mercy flighted 70 miles to s special hospital... wtf is going on?

Cunt deserved to die.


Nope found out she got molested since the age of 4 by her step father.

She was pretty hot, what a waste

Thats sad as shit

That's not nearly as bad as losing your iPod tho.

Dark times user. Dark times.

More like lulzy times.

Wanting to demonstrate Sand Coffin!

welcome newfag

Poor thing. RIP

Sounds like she was stuck in the shithole that is the South. At least she won't suffer no more.

After seeing your favorite animu character dying on TV.

watch the long video, from 16:00

It's fucking sad


"I'm sorry God"

FUCK religion.

Not even m'memeing. Religion is fucking poison that teaches you that you're not good enough, to externalize your problems, and to be ashamed of who you are/what you think/what you desire.

FUCK it all to hell.


I ain't a newfag! I've been here since last year, bitch!

I mean idk why the fuck I would say right before I hung myself? I am too much of a pussy to kill myself let alone live stream it. This girl has balls.


Don't worry the Creator is not offended, religion wasn't made by Him/Her/It!

Kind of ironic considering she was probably Christian in which case her religion is telling her she is going to hell for killing herself XD

>pretty white girl kills herself
>me, 26 y/o ugly KH virgin still alive

I meant it as an expression, but you probably knew that


Rip little girl I hate it when little kids die it's just so sad
>inb4 edge lords with autism shitpost

Because it's better to kill yourself instead of manning up and fixing your problems, right? Suicide being a "sin" is a good thing, since then it prevents pussies from kill themselves because they lost their iPod or some shit.

You're a new fag for 3 years, 1 year is nothing

is that even a sentence?

What are you trying to say?


>it's okay for brainwashed people to do stupid things

If it wasn't for her religion, she wouldn't have been so brainwashed that she was a "whore" or that she wasn't deserving of people's love.

She could have lived a perfectly normal life if it wasn't for that stupid God meme

MFW last year was literally days ago and you got trolled



This is dank

Not really. A lot of people hate themselves for getting raped. Even if she wasn't religious she would have killed herself anyway.


Thanks op, i needed something to finish busting a nutt to

I remember when I was a teenager how many girls cruelly rejected me, I even cried when I got home and here I am still alive and this good looking little bitch kills herself because of her BF. this generation is fucked.

Because you are more fit. Fitness is determined by who stays alive.


With the right support, anyone can feel like they are valued because they are.

What are the circumstances of the non-religious people that were raped that killed themselves? I'd be willing to bet that they didn't have many good friends, or loving parents.

The butterfly effect comes to mind. You start thinking a certain way when you are exposed to certain ideas and behaviors. The behaviors for bottling your feelings inside (even for women, the deepest, darkest thoughts they have are secret from their """totally""" OH EM GEE BFFS) contributes to this. The idea that a victim of rape is a slut contributes to this.

It all compounds to make up the psychology of a person.

Quit pretending to be a psychologist. My ego isn't so big that i believe in my own correctness enough to consider that i had a good life or that i was happy.

Be glad that you're not a weak-willed pussy like her.

Stop trying to be edgy, faggot. Kill yourself.

Watch this guy jump off a building. It's more action packed and loud
>m.youtube.com/#/results?q=philadelphia suicide&sm=3

Wat the fuck is happening to the world?!

m.youtube.com/results?q=philadelphia suicide&sm=3

It's not about being edgy. She literally deserves to die without pity if she's so retarded, selfish and weak-minded that she decides to kill herself over her boyfriend.

I'm not pretending to be anything. I'm just critically thinking about how events in people's lives shape them to how they will think and act later in life.

It's basic fucking critical analysis, not advanced psychology.

If you were born a boy in Kathmandu, you're more likely to grow up to be a muslim shitskin that wants to rape women, shit on the street, and fuck chickens than you are to be a mechanical engineer.

If you were born in the Southern US, you'd most likely be a religious baptist, with a religious family.

It's basic fucking geopolitics.

Fuck here it is

>m.youtube.com/results?q=philadelphia suicide&sm=3

Nobody, i was born out of the fermented spite granite holds for all humanity.

Quit pretending like you know everything

>exactly what an edgy person says

What are you, underage?

shut he fuck up. I'm not pretending to know everything. I never said that.

>tfw a little girl has bigger balls than I do

god damn i really am fucking worthless

You should get checked for autism.

At least take an EQ test.

Then find out if you are a psychopath.

>Young Girl Livestreams Suicide by Hanging on
>Liveme App
not an appropriate name for the app in this case

There is literally nothing edgy about that, you fucking retard. That's like saying it's "edgy" to want murderers to die. Do you even know what edgy means? Funny how you accuse me of being edgy when you were the one being edgy. Kill yourself.

Newfag triggered? Did you just browse Sup Forums today? Go back to plebbit please

wow you must be so superior to those religious people. if only everyone were as smart as you, the world would be a better place. please do the world a favor and have lots of babies

>k..kiil yourself user...
>i know how to use the website....
>u...ur edgy

lmao fag

She's literally so selfish that she kills herself over her bf, meanwhile other people have way worse problems and deal with it instead of killing themselves like bitches. Anyone who thinks she deserves sympathy is retarded. Nothing psychopathic about that.

i'm not that guy, you are a crybaby.

>wahh everyone I disagree with has problems wahhhh

Yea, because telling people to kill themselves totally isn't edgy at all. Kill yourself, moron.

rofl, way to assume things about me.

I never said I'm better than religious people. I'm saying that they are brainwashed into thinking terrible things about the world and themselves.

I was like that for the majority of my life until I moved out and started thinking on my own to come to my own conclusions.

I'm not smart, I'm just more logical than "the bible is true cuz it says so in the bible" hurr durr

>can't come up with argument so have to resort to calling people newfags


What do you mean "voted for Hillary"?

Trump won, remember?

Fuck man nothing fake about this

You sound like an actual retarded person.

Sure is a lot of moral fags around.

yea, it's selfish, i'll admit that, but it was also stupid. Also, what made her become so selfish? Her religion made her think that. Her parents/guardians perpetrated and reinforced those ideas.

And who are you to objectively compare people's problems with one another? Sure, being held as a sex slave is worse than being chronically depressed, but that doesn't mean that chronic depression isn't a huge issue. Don't you fucking dare compare people's issues.

Thanks, you as well.

OP here
Guys, lets end this. No one here is a newfag. Lets just be civilized for once ffs jesus

Take a lesson from that girl, and kys

The hidden irony

shut the fuck up. I've been browsing here for 9 years and still consider myself a newfag

bitch fuck you and your tiny penis

7 inches. u jelly?

5 inches, you jelly nigga?

This thread needs to be burned.

3 inches, you mad bro?

3 inches, you jelly?

Wonder who filmed it...

3 inches off the ground.

we should fuck

>Also, what made her become so selfish? Her religion made her think that. Her parents/guardians perpetrated and reinforced those ideas
You could apply that logic to literally anyone. "Oh that guy who shot up the mall? Nah, let him go! It's not his fault! We don't know his story! He could have been bullied!". Just because you've have it rough, doesn't excuse you from doing retarded things.

>And who are you to objectively compare people's problems with one another? Sure, being held as a sex slave is worse than being chronically depressed, but that doesn't mean that chronic depression isn't a huge issue. Don't you fucking dare compare people's issues.
Except that her killed herself over a non-issue, there is almost never an excuse to kill yourself and she had even less of a one. That's why she deserved it.

how would that work? we're both guys, user

Dude, she was twelve years old.
How would she have been able to vote?

Why you butthurt over a bitchs death?

Not like im the one fucking her. not anymore at least. GOD. get over it whiteknight

she sat the camera down and angled it upwards at herself