People treat me like I'm stupid.
What are good ways to get smarter?
People treat me like I'm stupid.
What are good ways to get smarter?
>What are good ways to get smarter?
Stop caring what other people think.
Learn things. Anything.
Start reading physical books.
Browse wikipedia a bit
Find something that interests you and research it. The main thing here is to start reading more.
read actual books. get off the internet and read.
*sips mountain dew*
>mountain dew
Stop being with people smarter than you.
So basically just stay on Sup Forums.
just read books
Did you really not know that?
What books would you guys suggest?
I have a rly hard time paying attention with my add or adhd wtfe I got
>read books
Do you people think for yourselves or did you let Arthur the Aardvark do it for you?
Get less dumb
read books+listen to music+watch tv show and movies from a different decade (like anything before the year 2000)
stop being stupid /thread
what the fuck? there's books on the internet for free............... rofl........ are you high? why would I pay 20 bucks for barnes and nobles books when I can pirate them and download them into my phone or computer? really user? 1990 much?
guy who thinks only books that exist are part of a curriculum
Learn how to speak. All the intelligence in the world doesn't matter if you can't relate it to other people.
Learn to speak while considering the listener's thoughts and reactions. There are also classes and therapies for this sort of thing but that will be local, you'll have to find it on your own.
But learning to speak is essential.
What do u mean? Explain
Why would you pay anything for any book when they're all in your public library and your eyes don't get sore from staring at a screen
play chess. it worked for me
People treating you like you are stupid may not always mean that you are stupid. Someone told me that people are going to see you as you see yourself. Work on your confidence and self esteem that will probably help more than anything.
be open to change and listening to others
go to college
have an open mindset, progressive vs. fixed intelligence
Thx dude
First huge step is to realise that you are not the brightest. question yourself and be sceptical. accept that you might more often be wrong than right. if you don't know about something, do not talk about it. educate yourself. if people use words you cannot understand do not hesitate to ask for their meaning.
rest will come with time.
don't wear a fedora
you're right, getting your ideas across in a timely and cohesive fashion is best when trying to relate to others. one can be the smartest man on earth but if all he says is E=mc2 and no one understands his shit then what's the point?
tbh mate, #1 way to seem more intelligent and seem more confident
is be totally assured mate.
You gotta think before you speak
>What are good ways to get smarter?
Stop being stupid.
Any well written book is good. If you have never read a book before I recommend a light fantasy novel. Ask your local book store
Study for your grade 10. And lay off the 6 paper joints.
You can't become smarter, but you can get more educated.
However, based on your post, what you really want is not to be treated like you're stupid, not to actually become smarter.
In that case, the best advice I can give you is keep your opinions and thoughts to yourself until you are absolutely certain you're right. Don't be afraid to say "i don't know" instead of guess - smart people don't know stuff all the time. Think about everything you say before you say it; that way, even if you're wrong, you'll at least have the appearance of deeply considering your comment, and that will make you seem more intelligent on it's own.
Do lots of trivia shit and get good at general knowledge. Obscure shit like that makes you look smart but obviously don't be an autist and say random facts all the time
retard confirmed
>Someone told me that people are going to see you as you see yourself
I've learned something new today it seems.......
Now I see why those chicks didn't like me back then. I told them I was a little insecure, so in fact they assumed I was insecure because that's the information I gave them. Had I said it different I would of gotten more pussy. Thanks user for this info. I have to watch what I say about myself and take into consideration myself as a being. it means a lot and thank you. I need to love myself more.
Jerk off with 2 pounds of butter and cactus seeds every friday while drinking water upside down in a sippy cup. This will make you smarter. if you rub tree leaves and sing "Hallelujah" 5 times while chanting the russian pledge of allegiance you'll gain 100% more intelligence. trust me it works everytime. moot taught us this.
Get your grade 10
>ways to get smarter
Book learnin.
But OP didn't asked for ways to seem more intelligent, he wants to be more intelligent.
You are not wrong tho, as long as you act with 100% confidence in your own intelligence, you may appear smarter.
Good books might be a bit too hard for you to understand but I would suggest starting with classic novels such as 'The Count of Monte Cristo'.
The only subject worth learning is history and not just about your own country. Learn as much history as you can and you will get 'smarter'. People like Neil deGrasse Tyson know a lot about science but they're still a bunch of dumbfucks because they don't know history. It's the most important subject because it always repeats itself and unfortunately it's also overlooked.
Hang out with bonafide retards, instantly smarter by comparison..
nah man, it is easy, just try not to be smart take a second before saying something or just listen and do not say anything at all. The more you talk or try to know something the dumber you seem to others trying to be "in the loop."
What I suggest is reading a few books like others have stated but not just random shit, a field or area of study you like. If you like trains, read about combustion engines and engineering, if you like turtles read about their evolution and history, etc, etc . Worry about what you like and fuck what other people think or are interested about and when you do meet someone with similar interests, boom.