If there was a virus going around that feminized you (regardless of sex) and randomly jolted you with feelings of...

If there was a virus going around that feminized you (regardless of sex) and randomly jolted you with feelings of pleasure, amor, and happiness, would you let it infect you?

Or would you avoid it?

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aids doesn't sound great, no.

He knows hahaha


its not a virus. its just humans sexually diversifying now that you wont be hanged for it.

our brains are too complex to say for sure but its harmless.

now for you're actually asking. turning more feminine will not automatically make you happy. happiness is something you find in yourself. something you can only find once you can learn to love. to love yourself. Love others. which is exactly what they are doing. which is why they may seem more happy

Im already thaking hormones... so this sounds about the same, will take hoping they stack, get double buff.

How does a woman get femenized?

Is it like double the feminosity?

Do we have women walking around acting like femboys or something? What would that even look like?


Said jolts of happiness are more or less consistent hormone rushes.
Yes, double.

fuck off beaner

I would fucking let it infect me.
I always wanted to look feminine but I look masculine and mature.

can i only catch half of it? my gf sissifies me and likes me looking androgynous but not totally fem

Take hormones then... you know thats an option right...

Was on board until you said it would change my mental state. Avoid it.

Your virus sounds alot like my Mistress

Can I off fuck instead?
t. beaner
t. HRT
It'll catch you, first.

Take hrt then, does all that but doesn't change your personality.

I don't wanna look like a guy with makeup and a wig.
It is just too late for me.

How old are you?

Sauce of pic?

Man. Its like you didnt even read what he wrote.


OP here...

Do any of you suppose that said virus somehow existing could form a cult or society with its hosts, perhaps praising it?

Oh no dude, you could tots still do it. Lots of ppl start at 20 and turn out just fine... just fyi...
