Good places to have car sex?

Good places to have car sex?

Scenic views in states with mountains. Careful, dont get locked in

In a car

This for sure, can't go wrong

In a car?

Fucker beat me to it

Behind a Walmart at like 3am

shoot I don't have one though, any good alternatives?

get a cab

get a horse

that's what I said!


Break into someone else's car and have sex.

preferably something like missionary or 69

Sunset Boulevard

In a house

Get older and get a job, until then get cucked kid

Bet me to it

Dealership at night.

Well, trucks and SUVs are good alternatives, but I've heard motorcycles work if you're in dire straits.

Alternatively, tent?


I dunno, ask the car what it likes first?

OP you and your car can have sex in your driveway. Your car will not care. It is a car.


a motel, they're like 30 bucks a night you cheap fuck

Don't drink and park, accidents in cars cause population.
Fuck more the merrier.