I have Netflix and Hulu subscriptions and I need some movie recommendations

I have Netflix and Hulu subscriptions and I need some movie recommendations.

I have seen:
The Usual Suspects
No Country for Old Men
Pulp Fiction
There Will be Blood
Requiem for a Dream
Lots of others too.


Family Guy

I need some shit to watch, fellas. Hulu and Netflix selections suck for the most part, so I am fairly limited.

Open to TV show recs too.

Menace 2 society is a good one

Dirty nignog

Backdoor Sluts 9

Thank you for suggesting anything but Family Guy. I appreciate your input.

Fuck you

Yours too, still not Family Guy. Lol

From Dusk Till Dawn

You'll cry at the end of the movie. It's really emotionally moving. Masterpiece.

Should check it out. It makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2

I heard those were directed by Stan-Lee Rubix-Kubrix. I love him!

Not a movie but definitely watch the adventures of sherlock homes

Uhhh. Yup.

On my list now. Thanks!

If you wanna watch something that will make you say "well that was a wasted hour and a half" then watch The Voices with Ryan Reynolds. It's amusing

Yeah his cinematic work is genius

Alright. I'm all for bad movies too. Lol. I know Hulu and Netflix have a lot of shitty ones.

I like his move 203: A Space Possum

Bumperoni plz based Cosby

Browse through episodes of black mirror specifically White Christmas.

The Hunt
Exit Through The Gift Shop
The Act Of Killing
Enter The Void
My Friend Rockefeller
Burn After Reading
Black Hawk Down
Boogie Nights
Bbc's auschwitz doc

The new Magnificent Seven wasn't bad, but you'd have to find that one online.

The Fast and The Furious is always fun to go back to

"Tuna no crust?" "No crust"

Watched all 3 seasons of Black Mirror. I loved the shit out of all of it. Great show.

Best 70s style movie Dazed and confused

What does everyone think of House of Cards. I adore Kevin Spacey, and I have been interested in it for a long time. Seems like you need to have some decent knowledge ovee US politics to get it though.

It's a david fincher work. So naturally, it's great. It's dumbed down enough for ordinary people with barely any political knowledge to enjoy

Well good thing I have at least some sort of decent comprehension of politics. Thanks AP political science.

I failed that class. Lol

Netflix has a good selection of werner herzog docs too I would just type in his name and just watch whatever comes up

Alright. Love a good documentary.

How is hulu, always avoided it, I don't watch much programmed television so I have very little interest

It's okay. They honestly have most of the same shit Netflix has with a shittier and uglier interface. If you have Netflix, don't bother adding another $11 a month for Hulu. The only good thing about Hulu is all of South Park uncensored and maybe Workaholics a little bit.

I have amazon prime so I already have watched workaholics. Watch all 4 available seasons about a year ago. Watching now I feel retarded for liking it as much as I did. I would get hulu just for the south park catalogue though

Yes. Don't care what anyone says, I love South Park. For the most part. Some episodes miss the mark but most are spot on and hilarious, and hearing it all without stupid fucking censorship is great.

Let me return with another question.

Is Amazon Prime worth the subscription?

I go on their website and watch the free episodes every now and the but they always cycle which ones are available

Yeah it's annoying. I remember when it all used to be free with no commercials. The good ol' days.

Also I guess it is worth noting that Hulu has Rick & Morty and Community, which are both also good shows that Netflix doesn't have but I am hard pressed to think of anything other than those.

Old Boy

Not really. Unless you like to get high and watch horrible Crackle quality horror films. Every now and then something good will show up but they run out of good material fast. They have some good shows but they cycle them out less often. Only great thing is they have some decent HBO shows like Eastbound And Down

Thanks for the insight. I want Hulu or Netflix to have some of the old Clint Eastwood westerns. They have 0.

Once upon a time in the west is there

I'll have to check it out. Really wanna see The Good, the Bad, the Ugly.

They used to have the whole man with no name line up but they cycled it out some time ago

I was fucking pissed when Netflix dropped all the George Carlin specials. Thank God Hulu has like all of them haha

Netflix kind of ruined stand up specials for me I got burned out on them, I feel they made up for it with the Bill Hicks specials though

Lock stock and two smoking barrels(I think that's it)

Yeah. I feel ya. Bill Hicks is a riot to watch. I absolutely love Louis C.K. but I can only watch 3 standups so many times. Jim Jefferys is cool too. They also used to have that really awesome old Eddie Murphy special. Dont know of they do anymore. There is a lot of shitty standup on there too. Just awful.

Netflix is really where most shitty docs and horrible stand ups end up.

>No Country for Old Men
every other Coen brothers movie.

And people love it. Everyone was talking up this Jim Gaffigan guy and gives him ratings out the ass and I think he is so fucking boring I want to drink a couple shots of Clorox. I can't fucking stand that shit he does where he whispers to himself after every joke.

Like Fargo and Lebowski? Seen't em nigguh.

except maybe hail caesar, but I don't think netflix has it anyways

but yeah fargo and lebowski are some of my favorite films.

Cuz they are some of the best films ever.

Only seen one of his jokes and it was lame so I never even looked into any of his stuff.

Er ist wieder da.
Good movie, probably not on hulu or netflix though.

Is Fargo the show on Hulu?

Excellent choice. Don't waste an hour of your life on it. Time is so finite, it isn't to be thrown out over some garbage comedian.

Yes, but there is also a great movie.

I'm familiar with the great jewish creation

If you like war/military movies, check out Kilo Two Bravo.


It isn't a movie but I thought "The Magicians" was decent on Netflix


Changed my life.

Another great doc An Honest Liar, basically about magicians and conartists.

For real?

A clockwork orange

Lost is a fantastic show and changed TV as a medium. Seen it three times.

Other all-time favorites include Arrested Development and Breaking Bad.

Arrested Development is funny as fuck.

Breaking Bad is...Breaking Bad. Everyone loves Breaking Bad lol

You now have to explain how lost changed television

Arrested development was really good until Netflix released the last season. I don't like it as much

The Truman show or House of 1000 Corpses


Arrested Development is funny as fuck, but also incredibly smart. It's layers upon layers upon layers of wittiness. Not to sound pretentious, but just what a good, smart show.

Breaking Bad - writing is fantastic, cinematography is fantastic. I agree with you.

It took me a rewatch to actually like it. It doesn't get good until later on, episode-wise, comparatively at least. I definitely didn't love it at first and it's still not as good as the first three, by far, but it was better when I rewatched it.


It was ridiculously NEW and did everything really, really well. Almost, what, 15 main characters? Nearly unheard of for a TV show at the time. And they made you care about each one. Fantastic writing most of the time - especially season one, and after they got their end date halfway through season three and they could pace stuff out better.

Lost also often explored concepts of faith, religion, life and death... not really "lightweight" topics. No other shows at the time were approaching stuff like this - TV wasn't really doing this sort of stuff. Now we see it more and more as the medium expands, I think, e.g. Breaking Bad.

It also introduced a character/narrative-centric flashback structure that a lot of other shows have since used as a way of storytelling - BB, Orange is the New Black, etc. They then shook this up with (SPOILERS) flashforwards, flash-sideways, etc. Excellent non-linear storytelling.

Also the music is fucking out of this world. Michael Giacchino is a legend.

Sorry it's late. I could probably ramble more if necessary.

Watch "preacher" nearly noone knows about it and i enjoyed it a lot and i also liked most of the movies u listed.
Also prisoners is great


You just convinced me to watch Lost. Everyone I know talks it but they generally have poor taste or have never given a good enough commentary on it for me to want to sit down and watch an episode

Cool, very glad to hear it. I really hope you enjoy it. Sincerely.

My pitch for the show is that it sets itself up as a story or a show about people who are lost on an island but, really, it's about people who are lost in their lives. For one, I think that's a very cool premise, even if it's not something the show wants you to be explicitly aware of from the start. And on top of that, they go on to tell this fantastic story in ridiculously inventive ways.

The first four episodes (counting the two-part pilot as two episodes) give a good taste of what the show is sort of like. The fourth episode (Walkabout) is one of the best of the entire series, and I always recommend people at the very least give it a chance up to there. I think the vast majority keep watching, if they're not super into it already by then.

Have fun, user!

Will do.

On a side note, am I the only one who thinks Stranger Things is vastly overrated?

Hah, I also really enjoyed Stranger Things, but it certainly is overrated. It's new and popular, though, so that's part of it. I thought the writing was fair, the acting was pretty good (especially some of the kids, and Hopper), and the soundtrack (love synthy stuff) was fantastic. So overall it was really good, for me at least. Just finished rewatching it actually, this time with a friend, a few days ago. It's fairly short, too, at eight episodes, which is nice. I am excited to see how Season 2 will be.

While I liked all the references to 80s films/books/stuff from that era (though I'm not familiar with as much of that as many others) - E.T., The Goonies, etc. - I can see how others would find it somewhat tiresome.