Does Sup Forums like halo 2?

Does Sup Forums like halo 2?

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I liked superbouncing a whole lot. Was in a bounce clan and everything, shit was the best.

Tried playing HALO could not get into it t

Go kys, sorry its actually good

It's alright yeah who's askin

What is superbouncing?

Idk man i was just playing it with friends earlier i figured Sup Forums probably liked halo

Not the best in the franchise, but still fuming fun

The best glitch in any video game ever. It was fun to do casually as a community thing on a custom server but even more fun to do in an actual game.


master chief is an pretty coll guy he kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything

I wasn't in any bounce clan but I recall learning my first sb on Zanzibar to get on top of the base. From then on it was a completely different game and everything was about super bouncing and getting out of maps. This coupled with halo 2's very good multiplayer is what made it truly amazing. Halo 3 babies will never understand.

Grow up

So how does it work? Something with the physics engine applying extra force to keep Chief from clipping into the ledge? Or is it badly lined up collision mapping on two pieces of railing?

Idk man just not my thing i guess

Best game in the series by far tbh

Probably my favorite in the series but 3 is probably the better game overall

I miss it so much. I went back a couple years ago to give it a go but couldn't land any of the big ones like palm tree and x building so I gave up. It's probably not worth relearning but I almost feel like doing it for the hell of it.

Something about getting stuck in the geometry I don't know, you can just google it if it interests you.


>3 is the better game
I never understood this meme, even Reach is better than 3

I had this xbox shit was cash

I remember joining a random custom game and seeing a very well organized line of people waiting to get their turn at trying to superbounce. It was a thing of beauty.

I haven't gone back for years but am positive I can still pull of coagulation, Zanzibar, ascension, and maybe a couple other ones. What I am 90% positive of is that I can't get outside the maps like I used to back in the day

Idk how you could possibly think that... But to each his own i guess.

Thats really neat actually

2 and 3 had incredible custom game communities and gametypes. No other Halo after those two even came close.

What other games had custom games like halo 3? not many matched on its multiplayer scale. I hated halo 4 for downgrading cutsom games

Reach had really good custom games

yes it did. The search engine was great but 343 completely fucked it up in halo 4 and it went several step backwards, taking away features that were previously there.

Campaign was boring and forge was meh. The ark is a terrible setting, and the flood, brutes and guns became lame. 2 completely changed the way in which consoles were played, live literally started with it, and Reach had a better forge and campaign was not lame, and all without brutes.

3 is the most overrated game in the series.

Heard it was on propose by bungie

Yeah i like turning up the speed and gravity and playing on sandbox shit was cool especially with infinite ammo and energy swords

3 holds a special place in my heart. Halo 3 was my first experience seeing mass communities creating their own unqiue games through custom games and forge. I haven't seen anything like it on the same scale as halo 3. Forge was definitely clunky. But people leanred how to manipulate the game through ghosting and such

Mustve been fun

Superbouncing was the best. Sword canceling and getting outside map boundaries was the shit. Funnest game to glitch ever

If forge is a judging point then 5 moves up about 5 spots...
Campaign wise, 2 and 3 are pretty close for me.
3 just had a more populated community and the advantage of a 360 community.