Any songs similar to this?

Any songs similar to this?

Other urls found in this thread:

deutschpunk's got your back

Also: Bad Brains, circle jerk, minor threat, Crass, Agent orange

You might want to check out a band from the mid 80s from Germany called Upright Citizens.

They had a song called Swastika Rats which expresses the same sentiment.

Study from the Verfassungsschutz Berlin: 92% of Antifa fags are still living with their mommy. Antifa btfo

no surprise most of them are degenrates

Oh boy, it's the group of people that claims contempt for Fascists yet embraces economics and philosophies around violence similar to Fascists. Don't you have a trashcan to beat up?

Most of them are teenagers so that makes sense




you don't have to be a Sup Forumstard to dislike those antifa clowns desu


>op requests punk rock song again'st racism
>edgy Sup Forumsacks responds with edgy posts

>hurr durr violence against fascists makes you a fascist
If you squash a locust, does that make you a locust?

>lololol disliking nazis is bad.

Really? I knew Sup Forums was pretty far gone but goddamn.

I also dislike ISIS but I'm not anal enough about it to make/look for songs about it.

>lololol obstructing roads and vandalism is a form of protest

After a long day on the street, he goes hope to mommy and daddy and sleeps at his guarded suburban community.

If ISIS or someone very like them was actually a threat to take control of your country you might.

Not even OP, but on a general basis antifa only really does counter-protests.

Well fair enough, maybe the Dead Kennedys made that song rightfully so, as I don't know much about politics in the 70s and 80s, but today there is absolutely no threat of a nazi or fascist state emerging, except for 3rd world shitholes. ISIS is a much bigger threat to the Western world than "fascists".

>absolutely no threat of a nazi or fascist state emerging
>what is the EU

Not a nazi or a fascist state, let me tell you that.

>you can't dislike antifa and nazis at the same time
The brain power of a communist teenager, everyone.

This. Be a good prole and stand in the designated protesting area and try not to inconvenience anyone.

No user, you need to seek out anyone wearing a MAGA hat, label them a nazi and then beat them in the street. Also smash windows of random cars and buildings. It's the best way to get more normal civilians to sympathise with your cause.

>and then beat them in the street

Source? Because I know they cover when Trumpfags start hitting back. Also they only engage in fistfight when they're in a big group.


The UC Berkeley riots are pretty damning evidence


>not gassing the few elite ones


I don't get it. Is this supposed to justify smashing shop windows because someone you don't like became president?

Antifa has to be the most hopelessly cringy tuing to come back in a while.
Just more clueless teenagers cosplaying as revolutionaries so they can feel strong/important

Hint: you are not, you achieve absolutely nothing and have become a laughing stock for everyone, nobody is scared of you, you only strike the vunerable when they are outnumbered you fucking pussies.

Do any of you seriously think that any of these "nazis" stayed at home because they were too scared to run into you? You are absolutely fucking clueless.
The only notable achievement you have is cowardly suckerpunching someone out of nowhere and running away, thats a 12 year old tier prank not a brave assault

Are you implying that antifas beliefs aren't flat out retarded?

>any of these "nazis" stayed at home because they were too scared to run into you?
yes, totally

>gas the jews, race war now!
>hang the wealthy, class war now!
guys, can we not gas/kill people
>fucking moderate neutrals, your either with us or against! pass the image macros comrades!

>antifa are simultaneously a bunch of pathetic teenage laughingstocks and a terrifying menace that is destroying America
Gee willikers, this is just like how another group targeted by Nazis was simultaneously controlling the world AND inferior rats!

Sounds like you're creating a pretty fascistic environment kiddo

>one side wants to gas all Jews, Muslims, black people, brown people, and gays
>the other side wants to prevent all this
>they are clearly the same

I don't think he said that antifa is a menace 2bh.

Also, some fruit for thought: aren't lazy faggots who live off of welfare simultaneously pathetic and a menace in a way?

>not allowing nazi apologism
>you're creating a pretty fascistic environment kiddo!!11

>>one side wants to gas all Jews, Muslims, black people, brown people, and gays
How far removed from reality do you have to be to actually think this? Seriously, who the fuck are you talking about?

The question is, in the perspective of Trump's rally, are they really fighting Nazi?

Are you retarded? That's literally the fascist platform.

How does it feel to fight against something that practically doesn't exist?
Threatening violence to people with opposite political views is the epitome of fascism

Where's the Nazi apologism though? And no, supporting trump is not a valid example.

>the fascist platform
Which doesn't exist in modern American politics, save a handful of neo Nazis that make up a fraction of a fraction of the population, and no one takes them seriously.

>beating up trump supporters is "fighting Nazis"
You people are fucking retarded.

>all rightwingers want to gas people they think are scum
>no leftists want to hurt anyone they think is scum
extremists are bigots blinded by ideology pretty much by definition

>Threatening violence to people with opposite political views is the epitome of fascism
Nope, pretty sure the epitome of fascism is genociding so-called inferior races.

>antifag literally doesn't know what fascism is
Why am i not surprised?

Not really. That's full blown nazism.
Also there's a big difference, because one of these things goes on irl and one of them is a rotten fruit of the imagination of a schizoid teenager who thinks he's a hero.

Alright, oh-so-genius liberal moderate, tell me what fascism is if you're so enlightened.

Let me guess, you're going to say "it is le silencing of other opinions," which is when I call you a double retard for not knowing what fascism is and then claiming that you do.

no, that would be nazism, and not even all forms of nazism, just the old school hitler style

>That's full blown nazism
Would you say it's the EPITOME of fascism? Like what was mentioned in the post I was responding to?

Did you post for the sake of posting? You did not answer anyone's question.

>opposite political views
It's a wrong formulation, they're not opposite political views, they're merely an insult to the human race.

No, I wouldn't because that's not what it is.
You probably know a bit about leftist ideologies, so let me put it this way: an ascended society in which money does not exist is NOT the epitome of socialism. It's communism. Same thing with the fascism/nazism

then what the Red Khmers did in Kampuchea is the epitome of communism too

>oh-so-genius liberal moderate
I never stated my political beliefs, but good job building a strawman to argue with.
>Let me guess, you're going to say "it is le silencing of other opinions"
That's definitely a part of fascism, not the whole, which could be defined simply as authoritarian nationalist beliefs.
>which is when I call you a double retard for not knowing what fascism
You're really going to call someone out for not knowing what fascism is when you just made is painfully obvious that you have no grasp of the concept yourself? Your definition wasn't even in the ballpark.

Fascism is when u hit fashists - cheeto mussolini

dense threads like these really show this board is full of +97 edgy fags

You should probably stop digging this hole user. You've already made it pretty clear that you know next to nothing about politics.

Remember when antifa chased down a beat a Jewish man calling him a nazi?
And you wonder why no one likes you edgy fucks, everyone you don't like is a nazi

Where did I say they are a menace?
They are a fucking jome, nobody takes them seriously

You are delusional

They are a fucking joke*

Holy kek. I knew Antifags were retarded, but this is really something else.



Who put all these lefty cucks on my board?

Probably because there wasn't a question in the post I was responding to.
You mean the CIA-backed anti-communist regime whose leader openly admitted to not reading Marx and was ultimately defeated by communists?
>I never stated my political beliefs
I know that you are a moderate, which makes you a liberal.
>That's definitely a part of fascism, not the whole
Ah, but you said that was the EPITOME of fascism.
>Your definition wasn't even in the ballpark
Sorry. Apparently genocide, which was a core tenet of fascist regimes, is not even in the ballpark of fascism. I should have known better!
Also, I love how your grammar and spelling suddenly has gotten so formal.
That's a different user btw.
Nope, I don't remember that. Unless you're talking about Milo, in which case LMAO because being Jewish doesn't exempt you from being a Nazi.
Not an argument.
>Nazis aren't bad
>communists use liberal-tier insults
>my board

>implying Antifa aren't the modern day neo-nazis
They claim democratic values and then proceed to assault people for no reason other than they looked like a nazi.
Also your pic is fucking retarded, both Antifa and "neo-nazis" are fucking degenerates and deserve to rot in a cell or get shipped back to their commy hellholes aka California.

>I know that you are a moderate, which makes you a liberal.
No you don't. Again, you're constructing a strawman to argue with.
>Ah, but you said that was the EPITOME of fascism.
No I didn't. That was a different user. I said you literally don't know what fascism is, which is true.
>Sorry. Apparently genocide, which was a core tenet of fascist regimes, is not even in the ballpark of fascism.
It's really not. Fascism and genocide are two different things that go together quite well, but genocide is definitely not the epitome of fascism, as you claimed.

>>Nazis aren't bad
That definitely wasn't implied by that user's post. Stop being purposely obtuse.