Creepshots cont.
Creepshots cont
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did you take these yourself?
Dammit! I have many chances to take these kind of pics, however i dont have any app to take stealthy pics, which one do you recommend user?
Preferibly one that it's on play store.
Got them from a friend
They look like they were taken at work. Do you know the girl?
What's with the interrogation?
What interrogation? I'm just wondering if you know her, I haven't asked anything else.
what does it matter if he does or not? u probably spooked him into posting more
HOLY SHIT! Post moar of her in here please Sup Forumsro, she's perfection!
meninanua com
dude i need to go to sleep you gunna post moar or can i fap to something else and sleep
How can this thread die? Previous thread was so good!
SC-OS3 let's you record in the background or with a black screen.
Yesss, That's good
nice ass
The guy asked too much questions. I've already posted too much
lmao im not the guy but have you ever went on one of these threads b4? people want context, it makes it hotter
Yeah I posted some from my school and some fags found the school. Can't take pictures of one girl anymore or any girls cause the school fucking knows someone's creeping
OC taken today
Does this picture ring a bell?
Fags found the school and someone told her.
Are these like people you've been in their house to or? How do you do this without getting caught ??
How do u know they told her
maybe you were just being to obvious
also, its stupid to post pics while you're still at the school
They posted the name of the school and her name directly. Then I heard the rumours in the school
the school bell actually rang.
and if you don't want to be creepshot, just stop dressing like a client-seeking whore and dress like a normal woman
yeah i know theres a lot of white knight faggots on Sup Forums for some reason, just sayin people like context like if its his sister or somthin. anonib is good for this stuff but i cant seem to connect to it anymore
Thanks user!
lol @ no one crying for mods
My friends little sister
she's what? 15?
I remember the first vid I got of my sister. Came buckets
just upload every pic you have....
this is from one of my favorite series ever
Post it!
nope, she browses Sup Forums daily
Deleted it right after I came
Uhmmm hot coffe!
Nope, probably doesn't even know what it is
and never regretted it because she's 400lbs.
and by "I came" I only mean a geopositional change of coordinates.
Woah, pretty sure I know her
Id fuck you
Id fuck you.
Teen I met on badoo
very nice. any more?
is she underage? she's 14 right?
Got more?
Nope, just turned 19, so probably 18 in the vid
well mostly people creep on sisters or roommates, i only did it when i was on vaccation with fem friends.
i just leave my phone around all the time so it isnt suspicious if its sitting somewhere in the bathroom.
i use securet spy cam , its an app that makes the screen black and records video or photo when the cam detects motion. works pretty good, and if they find the phone the don't get whats going on , trust me,2 of the girls i creeped on picked it up and put it back, one in even a better angle
Anons I need help!. I used to use my phone to take creep videos under the door because it has a low camera but it fucking broke. I need another alternative for filming under door. Help.
Whos that?
Ryobi makes a snake cam that shows video on a cell phone when paired