RSA bread. post shit

RSA bread. post shit

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kaffir. sandton master race reporting

We're still in 2016, zumas countdown went horribly wrong... Send help

seig my piel

gaan skool toe pel.

leer om te spel.

vars van potties af

Lekker tiete. Wat van doos?

Wie onthou die kak

how common is it for a white South African to not speak English? I met one and it blew my mind. Just curious

Why haven't you fucking whites fucked off to Australia yet?

We have a lot of white rural towns that arent very english. Ive been to 2-3 towns that were like this

It depends on where you are. A lot of the whites in Free State don't speak it or have a poor grasp of it.

Because why would i want to live in a nanny state slowly depriving me of my freedom?

im one, english.
the accent is too much.


I met an Afrikaans girl on steam like two years ago and am pretty good friends with her now. She wants me to visit. She's 17 I'm 24. Is that age difference a big deal in SA? I don't want to get the shit kicked out of me

You have been visited by the obese pedo of Sup Forums. Obesity will come to you unless you comment "pedo" on this video

Depends. Where does she live? Are you white?

Yea as long as shes above 15 youre fine with the new laws. Although 18 is whats consider white person legal by most communities

I'm a white American and she's from the free state. I also have a good job too if that matters, not some neet

>Although 18 is whats consider white person legal by most communities

Depends. I've seen fucking 30 year olds date 16 year olds with no problems from the parents.

I'm less worried about the law and more worried about protective family members or whatever fucking my shit up if they think I'm a creep

Unless it's for clean poon you'd do best to steer clear of ordinary Afrikaaners

You should good. If anything all her friends will be jelly as fuck

south africa is a great example of what happens to a country when you let blacks take control.

>ordinary Afrikaaners

Do they exist though? Afrikaaners are either rich or trashy?

That's a relief. And jelly about what?

Conservative Christian white Afrikaners. Much like the yanks in the bible belt. Expect some hostility from her dad


>south africa is a great example of what happens to a country when you let blacks take control.
>not any of the west African countries

Sure, chana

South Africa is a terrible example of this. Zimbabwe and Somalia are great examples. Nigeria, DRC, Angola, Mozambique, Zambia, Tanzania and Malawi are also great examples. Because theyre all junk states, and we're not

depends, majority of the ones in squatter camps were ordinary afrikaaners with houses and jobs and families. look at them now.

the netherlands should allow them to migrate.

Angry looks or a cricket bat?

That you're from America. Small minds.

Fok...sien nou eers daai pic is gescreencap. Wie de fok screencap n n facebook foto...

who /pretoria/ here?

Most likely with his Toyota Hilux whilst drinking his brandy and coke. Do you have pics of said girl btw?

Its just dutch on crack

Not all Afrikaaners are dutch. A lot have French and Belgian origins. The Afrikaaners all being Dutch decent was all propaganda by Paul Kruger to justify him abondoning the Boers to flee to Europe to live a comfy life of money he stole from them

if your in west cape, pretoria etc. maybe not. but they are only pockets of civilized society.

the way i see it, the afrikaaners built the country, infrastructure etc.. and then blacks took it over.

the south african government has barred any further white people from taking any positions in any department of government. racist?

There are rich, poor and middle class, just a bit difficult to move up so best maintain being rich or middle

belgian, french, swedish. they should offer migration packages. the rsa government obviously doesnt care about them. the tables have turned, as far as they are concerned.

>the afrikaaners built the country, infrastructure

It was built on the back of the blacks though?

Yeah fully. The lowest position in the SA social hiearchy is a white Afrikaans speaking, Christian heterosexual male

Northern Cape reporting,

Anyone got any nudes of afrikaans chicks?

zimbabwe is pleading for farmers to come back there and starting growing crops. because none of the dumb fucks have a clue how to feed themselves. its absolutely hilarious.

I think I can put up with that. Sounds like my dad except Budweiser and a ford.

And I don't think it'd be a good idea to post, sorry man.

Then why are white south africans moving back after 20 years?

Yeah always fun talking to friends about their origins. I'm dutch but have a friend of Polish, another french, another "german" and ofcourse alot of brits

pta tiet

Who wants to know?

i got aids just from looking

an independent west cape? they've been talking about it for years.

Volkstaat. id be going for independence now, because when RSA collapses its going to be a shit storm.

rsa girls trade

[email protected]

You'll be fine as long as you don't look and act like a skinny faggot. Masculinity means something here, and American culture portrays the opposite. So make sure you're a good sport and able to handle a few punches.

Afrikaners hou nie van moffies nie, nog minder as hulle plaas boere is.



SA Afrikaner girl sucking a cock. Enjoy

>> independent west cape.
The fuck? Closest to anything like that I've ever heard was an independent Hout Bay (which would be a good thing).

As a person who lives in Hout Bay. Fuck no.

Triple checked.

Oh, and beware of anybody asking you to tell a local something in Afrikaans. Chances are it'll be really rude and you'll get the shit kicked out of you. Or shot.

Lol. Naah you guys can stay there hey. Sort out Hangklip and Mandela Park or whatever and then maybe we can talk about letting you guys out.

where abouts would that happen?

more like nzl on bath salts

So no telling him to look a blue gums in the eye and saying "jou ma se vet poes naai soos a kombuismyt"?

many blacks in hout bay?

Baie still in magaliesburg vandag.

South Africa.

Blue gums? Never heard that expression before!



Typical Afrikaaner

Want jy sal jouself bankrot maak in die proses tensy jy klaar ryk is

For most, the word Afrikaaner is used to describe someone of European (mostly dutch) decent who speaks afrikaans.

A coloured can't be considered an afrikaaner, but more their own ethnicity they are striving for. Gumpi or whatever they named it.

Fuck off with this