is there any way i could get rid of the sun?
let me explain, i can't go outside anymore because of it, i have to stay in my house and room all day with the curtains closed i don't want my eyes damaged by that bright piece of shit, fuck you sun thanks for ruining my life, so please turn it off or make it disappear someway or i will be very unhappy
Is there any way i could get rid of the sun?
go to a place where it only shines for 6-10 hours a day
use sunglasses
Finally, I'm not the only one that wants to get rid of it really really badly.
bad shop
No I want to turn it off from a switch with magic powers or maybe destroy it so it will be night time forever
\[T]/ PRAISE IT \[T]/
Move to the north pole. No sun winters
But that would kill everybody on earth...
thats not nice you know
Oh but I hope it suffers for what it has done to me, that ugly shining light up in the sky
And destroy all possibility of agriculture and preventing any plant from growing which would entirely obliterate the environment and then lead the human race to starve itself to death.
Fuck you.
Praise the sun nigga
fuck off vampfag
basement dwellers should really not be allowed to post.
use sunglasses and sunscreen indoors, ya fuckin vampire.
oh, and btw...get a nightshift job or some shit. then you can sleep during sunny hours and only really deal with sunsets.
i swear, man...fuckin vampires...
Blow it out.
It's not like a candle or a match
Sure it is. Maybe a little bigger and hotter. Try harder.
the sun is a lie perpetuated by enemies of christ and triggers me
Fucker, plz. The sun is a thoudand times more useful than your sorry -pale- bitch -emo-vampfag- ass. Si why on fucking earth Will we chose between you and our magnificent bright god up above? What hace you done to deserve it?
Ever hear of night time? Become nocturnal dumb fuck.
buy a pair of sunglasses, faggot.
move to north of norway in winter and in the summer move to chille or some shit therefor very little sunlight
The sun's importance > your importance
Fuck off you whinging cunt. Nobody cares.
Just wait until Trump takes office OP. I'm sure he can be convinced to unscrew the sun for us.
Never leave your basement. The sun can't shine there
Move to northern europe. I haven't seen the sun in the last 30 days.
bitch is u a Strigoi