Be me, literally 5min ago

>be me, literally 5min ago
>start OD'ing on MPH
>fucking again
>second time this year
>(first one was basically nothing)
>this time heart rate at 115, high body temp., chest discomfort
wat do?

What do you think? Die or call an ambulance.

Well um you die or you get help

>dying from MPH overdose
don't think so. if i start getting some serious dizziness/something I can't pass off as a semi-bad anxiety attack, I'll call the bondulance.

see above

Oh. So die then I guess.

well shit

What do you know about Jesus, mate? You'll need Him if you die.

The real question is will he die form OD'ing or his level of autism

that's true.


My heart goes that fast from drinking alcohol and walking around kek unless it's 150+ nothing to worry bout m8

>second time this year

We're three days into this year you worthless junkie

I'm serious.

yeah, basically. i wonder if a cig would do me harm or good.
i mean on the one hand vasoconstriction, but on the other, anxiety relief (not that I'm that anxious, but that's a common symptom in stimulant OD)

i guess I'll go smoke my last 2, in a thin shirt, so that i cool off a bit

fucking lol

How fat are you

fucking lose some weight please

Medicfag here

>high body temp

Heart rate is concerning too but not as much as your temp. If you're able to drive go to the hospital. If you can't, call 911. Prolonged malignant hyperthermia will lead to stuff like kidney and liver failure.

jerk off and raise that heart rate


What they'll most likely do is have you strip dowm and give you cold fluids for your temp and possibly some versed or ativan for your heart rate/anxiety

My heart goes that fast having mild anxiety.. I don't think you're OD'ng. Just in case, die or get help.

ill go cool off in the falling snow

nigga what do you think I've done for literally 5 hours

People of this site. I come before you as one who is guilty of the same things. Of lust and of adultery. Of hatred and sexual immorality. Even homosexuality. I do not expect to reach any of you and I will not remain for long, but I must serve as a witness here and to all the peoples of this board. Though you have been trained to scorn sincerity and to mock it, and no doubt you shall, I come to tell you the Good News of salvation in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect sinless life, suffered terribly, and died to set apart for Himself a people to dwell with Him for eternity. He is the Son of God and by His power He rose from the grave, to secure life for all those who would come to Him. A day will come when He will judge each of us according to our deeds. None will come before Him innocent of sin, but in the Name of Jesus Christ our sins can be blotted out. By believing in Him and His story; by repenting of our sins and turning away from them; and by submitting ourselves to His Lordship--this is the way we can be saved. Save yourselves from judgment. Cast off these chains and live a new life with new desires. We are all destined for hell without this message, without Jesus Christ. May you all be saved from this darkness and by the Word of the Lord found in the Holy Bible.

see what i wrote about not having anxiety

jerk off in that snow

damn nigga, not gonna pay those fines

also damn throat feels like im wearing a way too small turtleneck

I'm like 66kg lol
Very skinny.
I have a condition called IST tho. Innapropriate sinus tachycardia. And I'm an anxious cunt.

My heart goes fast from minor things but it's not life threatening just annoying as fuck.

Then again tho if OP is overweight and unfit fast heart rate could be dangerous.
Probs just anxious tho otherwise he wouldn't of posted to begin with

eh, BMI is in the normal range, a bit high
verily so

>probs just anxious
whay kind of an amateur do you take me for

>wouldn't of

I've done drugs and had health anxiety for years m8

Feeling hot.. having a fast pulse.. chest discomfort... choking sensations.. these are all psychosomatic anxiety related symptoms.
Unless you have crushing relentless chest pain and your gasping for air your gonna be fine.

ask reddit

i know this. also I'm nit feeling hot, I'm feeling like an icicle.
head/chest are burninf up though

and i also know im gonna be fine