Anyone ever steal purses, wallets, phones or anything like that? I'd like to hear about it

Anyone ever steal purses, wallets, phones or anything like that? I'd like to hear about it.

1/10 shit tier b8

Eh used to be a piece of shit and steal iPods, cash, and shit like that during gym. Somehow never was caught. Don't really know why i did it either. A lot of it I just threw away (except for the cash)

How is it bait?

From lockers? Did you steal from only dudes?

lol ehs obviously fbi

>Anyone ever steal purses, wallets, phones or anything like that? I'd like to hear about it.
>any niggers want to discuss nigger activities?

Gee thanks what a gentleman.

Naw, OP is a most likely some shitty sand nigger emigrant in the EU just being a dirty lazy muslim who does not want to learn to work and looking to steal some phones for some quick cash but is too big of a pussy to do it.

Waaaaay off

Stop acting like It then you pleb

You're dumb

I stole a jacket one time because another faggot stole my jacket, so it's kind of justice.

Thats not how it works

Well done OP
This thread is shit
Dont bother trying again
You're useless

I do what I do because it's a sexual fetish. I also have a job and work damn hard and can't stand leaches. I know it's an oxymoron to be a their who doesn't like people who steal instead of working but I don't do it for a living. Yes it's selfish but we all have our hang ups and turn ons don't we.

Me and my nigger friend used to steal once.

Not nigger style as in going into the shop and outright theifing Skittles like trayvon, as in we actually planned an Ocean 11 heist and stole 200 bags of Maltesers.

We stole it from a chink grocery store and we fucking succeeded


Always tempted when some dumbass leaves shit in the gym changing room while in the shower but nope, never.

Have shoplifted in the past.

I made this thread last night and it was pretty good actually. The word bigger was only used once and most people actually contributed with interesting stories. Tough crowd today.

I used to walk around the college library waiting for dumbass chicks to leave their little study table to go to the bathroom and then empty out their purse or backpack while they were gone.


Same, although one time there was this guy who was grunting like fuck and dropping weights like a cunt. He left his phone next to his gym bag while in the showers. Didn't steal it, but did wipe my sweaty balls all over the screen.

Well played.

Anyone else?

Someone here has jacked some shit.


successfully triggered


Fuck off.