Good film to watch? bored as fuck
Good film to watch? bored as fuck
sextape of you mommy
Let me in
Autopsy of jane doe
No Country for Old Men
There Will be Blood
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Once Upon a Time in the West
>These are all available on netflix
But if you want some more specific answers you should say what genre you're interested in.
Its about 12yo, cmon Sup Forums you should be interested
normie detected
Babby's first big boy films
Winter Light
Seven Samurai
The Confession
Barton Fink
Night of the Hunter
no this was a shit film
The Woodsman
Hey fuck you man those films are great.
I didn't say they were bad
But they're absolutely babby's first thoughtful films and most aren't as impressive as you think
tucker and dale vs evil
kill bill but you probably should've seen it already
the gran torino
OP wants a good film to watch not some deep thought provoking art piece. Not every film has to be an introspective look at why we are. Sometimes they just have to be entertaining.
Ichi the killer
pulp fiction
some movies i been watching,
eyes wide shut ( directed by legendary stanley kubrick, its about love,deceit but hidden messages about Illuminati orgy parties)
true romance ( film about a guy falling in love with a hoe, and came up on some drugs and trying to sell that shit. film was known for the "italians came from niggers" scene)
FARGO ( about a guy hiring kidnappers to fake kidnap his wife to get ransom from his father in law but everything goes wrong, ugly ass steve busecmi is one the kidnappers)
wolf of wall street ( lol just rewatched it for the 4th time, classic movie, whole movie from beginning to end is great, lots of sex,drugs, leo dicaprio is cool)
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