my roomate steals my food all the time out of the fridge. so two nights ago i covered my pizza in liquid ant killer and rat poison and my roomate hasn't left his room in two days, missed work both days and his door is locked.
>wut do
trips decides what i do with his dead body. quads decides if i livestream my 911 call and confession
Tell them you were planning on killing yourself, might get manslaughter instead of murder
Ryder Kelly
OP reporting in, i can't get in his room, he's got a deadbolt but he's not replying to knocking. his phone goes right to voicemail so i dunno shit...
tempted to just be like i dindu nufin maybe he killed himself that way? really no proof except this thread, but who the fuck is going to find me here? kek fuck i was nervous for like a solid hour there until i realized i can just say he probably did it to himself. it's not like the csu is going to really be able to pin it on me.
Matthew Howard
Make him leave room with fire
Zachary Collins
First floor OP?
Lucas Hall
Fake. I refuse to believe you're dumb enough to think rat poison won't kill people.
Ian Foster
small amounts won't, it's used as a medication sometimes.
Anthony Hall
Give him a ring. If he doesn't answer then try opening his door with a card. If you're too incompetent of that then just bust the door open
Evan Jackson
add me to the screen cap guys OP killed some cuck
Camden Martinez
Using laxative no? Just masturbate on the door and then call the police
Hunter Bennett
Kick his door OP, your story will only seem more legit to the cops
Robert Barnes
the door has a dead bolt you autist it cant be opened with a card
Hudson Morales
don't forget about the call logs showing you've tried to get a hold of him.
Parker Rodriguez
i kicked open the door. there is vomit on the floor and he's nowhere to be found...and the window is wide open in winter...shit i don't think i killed him guys...but i dunno still fucked up.
Eli Gonzalez
Thank you, my thoughts exactly. Like if someone was seriously hurt you would break the door down after a few hours and your landlord would be fine with it and even insured if breaking the door constituted an emergency
Logan Perez
Oh great and now he's a zombie, great going
Dominic Wright
update there is blood in the vomit? not sure if that's a thing or what...but his car is still out back...all of his shit like wallet still here...even his's winter here (wisconsin) no way someone goes outside in this weather w/o shoes...his coat is here too but he's got sweatshirts and shit dunno. wtf now im legit concerned. he does fuck with online girls from websites who come over often
Charles Cook
i understand what you're saying (op here) but we are like at ends, it's like living with someone you hate so i avoid the fuck out of him. the only reason i even started to get concerned was because i thought i killed him, not so sure of that now. im thinking of calling the local hospitals
Parker Nguyen
OP.. Post his delirious naked corpse lodged in a snowbank.. I'm sure it's out there.
Leo Peterson
Where the fuck are your pictures and time stamps faggot
Benjamin Ramirez
it's possible he had some chick over and she ate that pizza and got sick, maybe he took her car to hospital? i just called the two hospitals in the city nothing for him. shit i dunno guess i let you guys down i was going to give you some OC before i got locked up, i was legit scared too but now i guess idgaf.
Daniel Peterson
fuck man it's too cold to go walkin around, i live on a busy intersection people woulda seen a dead bod im sure unless he's like trippin and hiding in some dumpster or some shit?
Connor Rivera
there is nothing really to take pics of? a puke puddle i cleaned up with bleach already? fuck m8 posting evidence wasn't my goal unless i was fucked for sure with a corpse. but now i don't know what the fuck is going on. his cats are gone too, they must have left out the window? fuck is going on here...
Carter Perez
time stamp with bloody vomit. cus op is lion 2 us
Joshua Murphy
Abandon thread
Luis Butler
for the power of the trips i will never have BUST THE DOOR OPEN chicken
Camden Russell
>. sry i took 5 hours to type it and then i noticed wqhat u said op
Benjamin Reyes
see leaving evidence laying around for (you)'s? kek. no.
Chase Lopez
op here threads dead m8's i got no god tier incarceration oc to post, dude is gone. calling the locksmith. fuck him he's not even on the lease. putting his shit out back. sorry guys yes today op was a fag. thought i put this faggot down. he could still be laying in a snowbank somewhere but we'll let the news tell that story.
Matthew Martin
Dude, you're a fucking idiot. You killed a man. You're going away for a long time. I've reported you to the fbi.
Cameron Walker
Pics or its bullshit
Thomas Brooks
nice made up story OP
thanks for keeping up the tradition of OP being a faggot
Liam Nelson
Dominic Perry
Nigga shut up we know you're lying got damn
Nolan Sullivan
Call the cops and report him missing
Levi Cruz
>probably this conspiracy to poison someone >murder with intent >on the bright side they would probably make an episode of OP on the forensic files some nice script like some jew faggot who didnt want to share his food, poisoned some pizza then we will have the rat poison expert, the ant poison expert, the computer forensic expert, the detectives that want to solve a crime, OP crying like a bitch in the interview the cops will give him, the evidence against OP. All for probably a five dollar pizza
Ryder Rivera
Wisconsin just tell us you fucking murdered him and disappeared the body over a five dollar pizza.
Charles Foster
Dude you are fucking Stupid
Asher Davis
Anthony Evans
Kick door down -if dead, cover him up with heating pads/blanket to mess up time of death -download a fuckton of loli/CP on his computer -call police next day police say, "just another pedo death, no fucks given"
If alive, kill him and repeat above steps anyway. Tell cops you had pedo panic and you stood your ground when he tried to attack you because you were going to turn him in
Easton Miller
also OP since you are going to jail when they knock on your door can you put theme at full volume because that would be so cool say just a minute then put the song on
Evan Foster
Eh, no one is stupid enough to get killed by rat poison as they'll seek medical help first but I'll roll with it OP you were in the right, doing God's work Hopefully one less fat food robber let loose on this world now
Elijah Rivera
it is OP he will crack in no time they will be why didnt you eat out of that pizza, who ordered the pizza and check out who bought it. he will crack in no time also it would be homicide detectives, if true he is actually fucked hard in the ass.
Juan Sullivan
rolling for trips >eat the evidence
Joseph Russell
he probably panicked and is cleaning the room with vomit, not knowing rat poison always comes out first on a blood test. He is digging a deeper hole of shit more than he is now.
Oliver Lewis
"before I came to Sup Forums for advice, I was a CEO of a Fortune 500 company."
Dylan Robinson
I would honestly believe that the chan made me lose two years of me having a girlfriend also getting married. apparently dat ass threads made her jealous ironically they stopped making those after she broke up with me and left kek.