Are Italian girls degenerate?

Are Italian girls degenerate?

For some reason I get the impression they are more traditional/chaste than the western European norm.

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They're hot. Thanks for your women Italy bdw

find a single female that is not a degenerate

Women are neutral. The problem is with men.

If men allow women to be degenerate then they will do so.

I've heard it's really fucking hard to get laid in Italy compared to the rest of Western Europe.

So I'd assume they are actually purer.

My mamma is pure and she prepares me great pasta

Provincial girls especially are more stuck-up and play hard to get, even if they don't really have anything going for them

la tua mamma me prepara pasta, negro bobo.

>they are more traditional/chaste than the western European norm

better question is if the men traditional/patriarchal than the western European norm.

women are followers with no mind of their own, a mans job is to mold them into what you like.

Just how god created Adam then only one part Adam was used to create Eve and he molded her.

I couldn't help, but laugh because it's true. All the Italians I met in Italy were bro-tier. Their women were kinda like you said a bit vain and annoying.

check this typical Italian girl. Another proof they're all degenerate

I'm a wizard
I have no idea

Hey Greek user, how is your country doing? Are things getting better?

>they are more traditional/chaste than the western European norm

I know this is bait, but nobody actually lauded this girl for whoring herself out

Sadly no

Nobody ever applaudes whores but everyone loves looking at them

they are just more stuck up.

>tfw never interacted with an actual Italian girl just Jersey shore "Italians" from NYC

w-what are they like?

jesus crist im not a foot fetishist or smt but im so fucking hard for the blonde one

kurva anyad

give me italian bimbos Mario

en roman

What is with Italians and foot fetishes that's pretty weird man.

Decaying shit tier women from a decaying shit tier country.
Nothing can get lamer and more worthless than a Shitalian, regardless of gender or age.

El ChileANO, senores

stupid spaghettinigger, I hope you choke on your cheesy greasy pizza tonight.

About to eat this right now, cheers!

jaj bazdmeg radu tegyél már valami nevet vagy trippet az isten áldjon meg

Isten áldjon téged is

Define degenerate

If you compare them to your empowered womyn, they're Mother Teresa
There's some Catholic background still preserving some sane values (or, at least, making sins perceived as sins)
In your fight against "bigotry" in order to allow all genders to "identify" themselves as they please and to found families as they please and to have sex as they please and with how many partners they please, you've lost humanity, like, a lot

Not so fast, frog, french girls are the literal whores in the western yurop. It's a know indisputable fact like "water is wet" and "sweden is a somali colony"

He's right though.

are french girls really usa-tier feminazi coalburning bitches? feels bad man

They are whores, but they don't know what a bidet is, nor do they shower to compensate.
Therefore they have a bioweapon between their legs, if you can stand the smell you're gtg

> flag
> talking shit about female purity

Top kek French girls are the biggest sluts on that side of the Atlantic.

>no bidet

they truly are disgusting germanic barbarians

Yea we have """Pure"""" girls coz we are not cucks (not all at least)


A friend of mine who travels a lot told me the most degenrate places he has so far found where usually third world shitholes.

You could pay peanuts to someone to do anything to anyone at whatever age group you want using whatever you living or non-living thing.

This is probably what Moses saw when God told him to save the Israelites

I feel like a sinner for watching it


How fucking hard is it for you retards to stay in Sup Forums?
You idiots are ruining this site.


>implying Sup Forums isn't just Sup Forums with less Nazis

This user speaks the truth